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[having given up all hope]

this book is taking a dark turn and I'm not even mad about it.


Yesterday was hard, your emotions
were a mess. You didnt know how to feel. After figuring out all these new things about someone so close. You didnt know how to react.
Sad, mad or confused. You were overwhelmed.

Beverly had stayed with you in the tent that night while Bill squeezed into Mike and Eddie's.
You barely slept. Thinking about how Richie must have felt, or how you could have helped in some way kept you from sleeping.
All you wanted to do was run over to his tent and be with him....
You knew Stan wouldnt alow that though.
Him being like your brother, Stan would do anything to keep you safe. Even if that ment having to hurt his friends.

You didnt know how to feel about Richie.

He struggled with addicton, he still is. You want to help him through it. But he hurt you... Physically and mentaly. You wanted to be close but far away from him at the same time.

Right now, you needed food.

Trying not to wake Beverly you crawl out of the tent.
Walking out into the morning air woke you up a bit, along with the smell of campfire.

Eddie and Mike were sitting at the bench with a plate of eggs each with a cup of instant coffee.

"How you feeling?" Mike asked patting the seat beside him.
You sit down giving him and Eds a small smile.
"Better i guess..." You respond, not sounding as confident as planned.
They didnt push you though, despite the obvious state you were in... Which was broken....

Eddie shot you a small smile as he slid a plate of eggs towards you.
"Thanks" you mutter as you grab a fork,taking a bite of the now cold eggs.

As you all ate on silence you heard the zipper to one of the tents slide open.
You turned your head around just as Stan walked out, his hand now wrapped in a bandage.

"Hey Y/n? Can i talk to you for a second?" He asked with a sympathetic tone.
You quickly stood up and nodded your head.
He signalled for you to follow him, you both walked behind his tent towards the woods a bit.

"Are you okay? Hows your cheek?" He asked. With a worried tone.
Stan was like a brother to you. He was always by your side and keeping you safe. You knew you could trust him.

"My cheeks okay, but im just sad and hurt right now.... I really care about Richie...... I- I still love him" you say as tears threaten to fall from your eyes. For a while you thought maybe Richie cared... After yesterday all hope was lost.
"Shit Y/n.... Really?" Stan says pulling you into a tight hug.
You nodd your head and hug back.
The hug is short but it ment a lot at the time.
"Im sorry.... I really am, but dont give up, okay?" Stan says as you let go of him.

"How is he... You know" you ask mentioning to Stans busted hand.
He chuckles slightly and rubs the back of his neck.
"Yeah... Hes doing okay, his lip is pretty bad though" he says shufflung his feet nervously, scared that you would get mad at him for hurting Richie. You weren't, Stan was just trying to protect you.

"Can i see him..." You ask hopefully.
Stan was slient for a bit, he was thinking. After a few seconds he nodded his head reluctantly.

He lead you to his shared tent, before he unziped it you had noticed Mike and Eds were gone. They probably went back to their tent or to the lake.
You brought your atention back to the tent that Ben, Richie and Stan shared.
Stan held the tent flap open for you and you both walked inside.
Richie was sleeping to the far side of the tent towards the left. His eye was a dark shade of purple, his lip was swolen and cut open, dried blood coming from his nose.
"Shit Stan..."you mutter leaning down beside Richie.

Seeing him like this made you forget everything. All you wanted to do was hug him and tell him it was okay.
But on the inside you knew you couldn't. That it would make things worse.
"Y/n... We need to go" Stan whispered tapping at your shoulder.
You slowly stood up and turned around. Stan gave you a sympathetic look and lead you out of the tent.

You were glad to have someone lile Stan.

Authors Note:
Sorry for the short chapter. I just thought that this chaptwr should just focas on Stans relation ship with you.

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