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Cloud nine
[a state of perfect happiness]


"What the fuck Richie!?"
"Why the fuck would you do that?!" You exclaim, attempting to Push Richie away. Richie only rolled his eyes.
"I felt like it" he answered.
You scoffed and attempted to push him off for the second time. He didnt even budge.

"Look, im sorry about yesterday..... I was wasted, barely knew what i was saying..... I dont even remember half of it. All i know is that i threw a bottle and was yelling..."
You let out a sigh and glanced up at him.
"Richie, you called me a whore and a slut! Oh, and i forgot to mention that you accused me of fucking Eddie" you yell. Richies face drops at your words.
"Look im so-"
"NO! You fucking dumbass! You can't keep playing with my heart like this! One second you're on my side and the next you're throwing bottles!" You screamed.
You desprately needed to scream your heart out. Richie broke you and he needed to know.

"You broke my fucking heart and this is ho-" You began but was cut of by Richie slaming his lips against yours.
Your eyes widdened as his lips moved. You couldnt resist, You were kissing back. He smiled into the kiss.
Richies hands gripped your cheeks brining your face closer to his to deepen the kiss.

Cloud nine.


What am i doing?
Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Attatching your lips to his for the last time you abruptly pull away.

"Richie.... Im sorry" you say before running off back to the campsite forgeting about the wood you had dropped back in the forest.
You rush past the group with tears in your eyes, Eddie quickly gets up out of his chair rushing towards you. Worry in his brown eyes.
"Y/n? Y/n whats wrong?" He asks grabbing both your hands, pulling you into your tent.
You instantly burst into tears once you're alone.
"Shhh, shhhhh, ive got you Y/n"
Eddie brings you into a hug. You nuzzle into the crook of his neck as he strokes your hair.

"What happened, you can tell me"

Just as you go to speak you're interupted by yells coming from outside. It catches both yours and Eddies attention. Completely forgeting about the question Eddie had asked you, you unzip the tent and walk out.

When you look up Everyone is yelling at Stan and Richie. Stan has a hold of the collar of Richies shirt as he screams on his face. Richie was completely immune to the situation around him. His expresion was blank.
You had never seen Stan like this.

Beverly is pulling at Stan trying to get him off of Richie Whilst Bill does the same. The others are yelling at the both of them.
As Stan raises a fist to throw a punch your heart stops.
Richie ducks out of the way just as Stan plunges his fist forward. Richie brings his body back straight and throws a puch at Stan, hitting him in the jaw hard. His head jerks back and he stumbles backwards into Bills arms.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop!" Mike yells rushing over inbetween the two.
"STAN!" You scream rushing towards him. Eddie trys to stop you but you push him away.
Bill has him laying on the ground holding his head steady.
His nose is bleading and so is his lip.
"Stan.... Are you okay?" You ask calmly.
He glances up at you and gives you a quick smile.
"Im fine... Im the least of your worries right now though...." He says as a concerned expression washes over his face.
You turn your attention to behind you where he was looking.

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