Baby Sire

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A month after I learned of what really happened at Audrie's party, things had gone back to semi-normal. Scott and Kristen were staying with me because I had more room in the house and it was somewhat quieter there. I kept Audrie's room the way it was when she left because I had faith in us, but I turned the room next to hers into a nursery for their son. I didn't know what they were naming the kid, and part of me knew they didn't know either.

"David, what are you doing?" Kristen asked in frustration as I had guided her, blindfolded, towards the nursery. "I just have a surprise for you."
"David, you know I hate it when you blindfold me. Also, I'm a watermelon, so if this is scary, maybe it'll speed up labor and birth and all that."
"Wow, you're doing great at being a mother already."
She smacked my arm at my sarcasm and I laughed as I led her inside the room. "You can see it now."
She took off the blindfold and gasped as she took in the crib and the dresser and the decoration. "Oh, David. It's beautiful. Who did this?" I chuckled and sat on one of the rocking chairs. "I did. It was all me. I went out with Alex and we bought paint and a crib and stickers and anything else that Google said was appropriate for a nursery and I took the liberty of creating the perfect nursery for yours and Scott's son. By the way, what are you naming him?" Kristen looked away from me and stuttered. She had put up a wall that meant she was hiding something that she didn't want me to know. Me especially, if I might add.

"What don't you want me to know, Kristen?" I was beyond curious at this point. I wanted to know what she had been hiding, but although the girl was pregnant, Kristen Sire did not budge. She averted her attention from my burning questions to refocus on the nursery and the fact that a lot of hard work and dedication had been put into it.

Moments later, Scott walked in and he chuckled. "David, you didn't have to make Link a room. She sleeps with me and Kristen." Kristen rolled her eyes. "It's for the baby, moron." Scott's smile fell and he stomped his foot. "God, you're so mean, Mom!" Kristen sighed and giggled. "Scott, you're a grown man. I love you." Scott smiled and hugged Kristen as I watched this exchange rather awkwardly. "Okay," I began. "You're welcome for the room. Bye." I walked out of the baby's room and went to Alex's because I was almost a hundred percent sure that he was sleeping.

"Alex. Alex. Alex. Alex. ALEX!" Alex woke with a start and swung for my face that was inches away from his. "Leave me alone before I dress you up like a white table and beat the shit out of you." I closed my mouth and backed away from angry Alex.

As I was making my way to the media room, I heard a scream that sounded horrible and screech-like. I started running for the nursery only to collide with Alex and Scotty. "Kristen's water broke!"

Nobody had to ask me once before I was at the car with all the doors open for Alex to get shotgun and Scotty and Kristen the back. Alex texted everyone to meet at the hospital as I went way over the speed limit to get my pregnant friend's wailing self into a room so the kid inside her would go ahead and pop out and make our lives louder and brighter.

I was sat in the waiting room with Alex, Todd, Corinna, Jason, Jonah, Chiqui, Zane, Heath, Liza, Gabbie, Carly, and Erin. Everyone brought balloons and chocolate and cake and Jason brought candles because "it's technically a birth day."

The doctor came out to speak to us with a smile on his face after several hours. I was the only one still awake. "Are you David Dobrik? Godfather of the baby?" I nudged Alex and stood, nodding. "Yeah, I'm David." The doctor smiled. "Well, you'll be happy to know that it's a boy, 9 pounds, 8 inches and they are ready for visitors if you all want to meet him." I thanked the doctor as Alex woke everyone up.

We walked into the room where Kristen and Scott were smiling and coddling their baby. "He's adorable."

I should probably tell you, I had been vlogging the entire thing from the moment I ran to the car to take Kristen to the hospital.

I held the baby for a bit before passing him along to Alex. "Kristen, the name of your baby and the reason behind it is all on this file." Liza said as she handed Kristen a USB and her computer. She took it and plugged it in to the computer. After waiting for the contents to be revealed, I turned and went to see the baby.

"Hey Kristen."

Audrie. It was her voice. I averted my attention from the baby and moved over to where Scott and Kristen were.

"Scott, Kristen, I'm so proud of both of you for how much you've grown in the time I've known you."

She cut her hair.

"Even though I couldn't be there today, I am with you always. I'm sorry my visit last weekend was short-lived, but I was so glad to be able to see you and everybody. As the godmother of your son, I chose the name Jack. I know it sounds like a very bland name, but I chose it because there are characters in the stories you'll tell him, the movies and shows he'll watch whose names are Jack. They're the protagonists - most of the time - and they do everything they can to defend what they believe in. It is also the name of one of my favorite actors, Jack Nicholson. He's amazing, don't question me. Anyways, I know you will teach him to believe in himself and in the good in the world. I love you both, and Jackiepoo. I'll see you again. Congratulations, you're parents."

Her face froze in a wide grin and I felt my heart pounding against my chest. She was here! She came back! I missed her. She was here, almost in my arms, but she slipped out of my fingers. I congratulated them on the baby and stormed out of the room, my heart wrenching from my chest.

picture us (d. dobrik) (book #2) Wattys 2018Where stories live. Discover now