The mysteries of life

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Life has manny mysteries. The greatest mystery to me is how they get the whipped cream in that can. I mean, there is no way to open it. And what's with the nozzle? How does the air, (that they have compressed in there so that the cream will come out whipped,) not escape through the nozzle?

You can't tell me that you have never wondered this.

Can you?

Can someone please tell me how this works?

I bet you can't.😞

This mystery will never be answered.😕

I bet someone knows. Just not me. Someone has to know because otherwise We wouldn't have cans of whipped cream.

 Someone has to know because otherwise We wouldn't have cans of whipped cream

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Just look at it's devilish glare. It knows something that you don't. 😈😈😈

(That's bye in German)

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