Chapter 15

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Nat's POV -

I can't believe I actually told Jess what's going on with Elsa and the twins.
After that, and the fact that Elsa now knows what went on with Jess and I, Jess hasn't talked to me.
It has now been a week. She broke things off with me via text message... Not even in person.
Elsa doesn't seem to mind Jess actually knowing though about her and the boys. She said that Jess won't say a word anyway because she doesn't want to hurt the boys.
"I still can't believe she broke things off. I thought we were good" I say as Elsa and I sit in my room, chatting and... Doing other things "I thought- ooh, that feels good"
Elsa looks up from between my legs and rolls her eyes at me, wiping her mouth "you do know she didn't want anyone to know what was going in with the two of you, right?" Her question is rhetorical as she already knows the answer "so, you've developed feelings for her... If she doesn't want to be with you in a relationship, then she's missing out on so much... For instance, this sweet pussy of yours" she winks at me and dives her head down again
I soon forget about Jess as Elsa works her magic and causes me to orgasm multiple times.
Soon though, Elsa leaves and I am sat alone in my room.

Elsa's POV -

Before I leave Nat's house, her brother stops me
"So, you're doing stuff with my sister. I'm totally on board with that. But you haven't called me to arrange for us to go out on a date." He says
"I'm sorry, I've been busy, but I'll get back to you on that date, I promise" I say "but I really do have to go. I have things to do"

Once home, the boys greet me.
Dad and Lucy have returned from their trip away and they seem pretty content.
The boys realise they can't have me when the parents are around, so I haven't had anything from them for about a week, hence why I was with Nat today.
I can safely say that Emily and I are friends again... Not as close, but we are friends.
Ethan, on the other hand, is acting odd around me. He seems to look at me with a lustful gaze from time to time.

I head to school the next morning... Monday.
I sigh as I enter the school before anyone else is there.

Walking down the hall, I bump into Ethan.
"Oh, Elsa, good morning" he says
"Good morning Mr Livingston" I say
"Elsa... You know when we are alone you can call me Ethan, right?"
"I'm sorry Mr Livingston, but that wouldn't be appropriate now. You are my teacher. I am your student. You should treat me as such."
"But I miss the time we had together. Even though it was brief." He says "you've turned into a beautiful young woman. I can't just ignore that"
"Well, you're going to have to ignore it sir. I'm not a naive little kid anymore. I've been through a lot and I know more now than I did then. I've matured and I'm no longer interested in you. I thought I was at one point, but now, I'm not"
"But Els, I know you want to one last time" he pulls me to him and he leans closer to kiss me, but I push him away
"No Ethan, maybe you shouldn't be here. It's hard enough that Emily is here, I don't need you here too to complicate things for me. I'm sorry, but I have to go. I have music first thing, I can't be late"
"But no one is here Els. You won't be late, you'll be early."
"My dad will be here soon though... You don't want to have to deal with him do you?"
With that said, he backs off and I walk away, heading to the music room to do some practicing and song writing.

Lunch - it arrives quickly and I head to the cafeteria and sit with Nat and our friends.
Caleb and Callum stare at me as I sit down, until some girls grab their attention.
What is it today with me and guys? I've had so many guys give me lustful glances.

"Hey Els" one of the girls says to me "how come they're staring at you?"
I shrug my shoulders "I have no idea"

Half way through lunch, I head outside, but before I can, I am pulled into the janitor's closet.
The light is then turned on and I can smell alcohol.
My eyes adjust to the light to see a drunken Ethan standing in front of me
"Ethan, what's going on?" I ask
"I can't take it anymore, I have to have you Els. I can't stop thinking of you. I've never really been able to" he says
"What the hell are you doing, Ethan?" I ask
"Mm, I love it when you say my name. But I prefer 'sir' better"
He presses me against the door and his chest, looking down at me.
"You don't want to do this Ethan. It's wrong"
"And you sleeping with your soon to be stepbrothers isn't?"
"That's different Ethan. I love Callum and Caleb. I would do anything for them" I say
"Well, I'm going to have you whether you like it or not"
As I am about to say something, he puts his hand over my mouth
"Now, you just be quiet and take what I'm about to give you"
I try to scream but it is muffled by his hand.
I struggle in his drunken grip and his hand is removed, but his lips replace his hand.
I try to knee him in his groin, but he doesn't let me as he has my legs open and he is in between them.
I use all the strength I have in me to push him away and knee him in the groin.
He kneels over and I make my escape, running down the hall.
The boys stop me as I reach my locker
"Hey, are you okay?" Caleb asks me, concerned
I look at them and then tears escape my eyes and Callum pulls me into an embrace.
"What's wrong?" He asks
I push myself from him and wipe my eyes, looking up at him "I... Was almost... Raped... Just now"
Both boys faces contort in anger "who? We will kill them"
"No, don't. I will sort it out" I say "just don't tell anyone... Okay?"
They both nod and I head off to find my dad.
Dad's office door is closed and so are the blinds.
I knock on the door as I hear shuffling behind the door and soon hear a "come in"
I slowly open the door and dad sits at his desk and coach Parker sits opposite him.
They are both silent.
"Dad, can I talk to you?"
"Sure honey" he smiles at me
Coach Parker gets up and walks out of the office, but not before giving my dad a wink
I choose to ignore this and sit down as Jennifer closes the door behind her
"Dad, we need to talk... About something important" I say
"And what's that honey?"
"Well..." I then proceed to talk about what happened with Ethan and I and he listens.
As soon as I am finished, I assess his reaction and he doesn't seem angry at all... He seems more... Disappointed.
"Honey, I didn't know that happened back then. What did he do to you recently that made you want to tell me this?"
Yeah, I hadn't told him everything "he's drunk by the way... I thought I would let you know that first, drinking on the job is illegal. But that's not why I'm telling you this. He's drunk because I refused to do anything with him this morning and he just tried to rape me in the janitor's closet. I, thankfully, got away from him before I could"
His eyes widen "we should tell the principal"
I nod "but I don't want this getting out to the whole school. Can we keep it under wraps and as discrete as possible? No police involvement at all"
"Of course dear"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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