Chapter Twelve: The Final Choice

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I woke up in the hospital, the cool aroma of the room surrounding me.

I was wearing a pale blue hospital gown that flattered my hourglass figure, and I had been gently tucked under the fluffy white covers.

"H- hello?" I tried to sit up, but unbelievably sharp pain in my stomach restricted me from doing so.

"Ugh.." I winced, sitting back down again, glancing around the room.

I suddenly noticed how packed the room was.

There was Bree, my mother, Josh, all of One Direction, Chris, and Justin.

"Hey sweetie," my mother smiled sympathetically, scooting her chair up to the side of the bed.

Bree and Josh approached too, and the rest of the group silently filed out of the room, giving me some space with my family.

"W.. what happened?" I groaned sleepily, rubbing my eyes.

"You were shot, twice, by some wicked girl named Whitney." My mother growled through gritted teeth.

Memories began to replay in my mind, still a little fuzzy.

"We're all totally in love with you!"



"The police still can't find her." My mother's solemn voice snapped me back into reality.

"Oh.. yeah, it's okay. They'll get her." I croaked, my voice hoarse.

"We thought you had run away, and then Justin called us and said you were in the emergency room." Josh sat down next to my mom, fidgeting with his jacket zipper.

"We're just glad you're okay," he added.

"I'm friends wif One Diwection now!" My little sister declared, "I got to meet dem!"

I giggled and patted my little sister on the head, her multicolored curls resembling my own soft rainbow locks.

"Speaking of that, we should probably give you some alone time with your suitors, huh?" My mother winked at me, picking up my little sister and quietly leaving the room with Josh, before leaning her head back in and saying something;

"Good luck, sweetie."

I watched her leave, then smiled as seven boys rushed in to take her place next to my hospital bed.

They all stared at me eagerly, and that's when I remembered.

I still had to choose one of them.

"Do you remember who you chose?" Harry leaned in excitedly.

"Of course." I responded coolly.

"Who?" They all stood up straight, and Zayn adjusted his hair.

"My decision is final, okay? So no begging." I lifted a finger in the air decisively, looking around the room.

"Got it!"

"I chose this person with confidence, because I know they are amazing and literally flawless. He literally has no flaws."

"That doesn't eliminate anyone..?" Justin muttered as he wrinkled his nose in confusion.

"Yes it does. Sorry Liam."


"I chose this person because from the first day I met him, I knew our relationship would never crumble. And now I'm ready to take it to the next level."

I looked around the room, looking at everyone except Liam, taking an extra five seconds to smile at my chosen boy.

"Who is it?" Zayn bit his lip nervously, his eyes wide.

"I have decided to, out of seven others, except Liam, give my heart to... Chris."

"Aww. Lame." Harry hung his head and trudged out of the room, the rest of the band following after him.

Justin stared at me for a few seconds, then opened his mouth to speak.

"Oh well, Stacy Spiegel is hot too," he shrugged.

"Good choice, Mary." Chris beamed at me with blindingly white teeth and ocean blue orbs.

"It was an easy decision."

Mary Sue (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now