26. Damion

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When I turned around, Madix was nowhere to be found. For a few minutes, I expected to find him curled up on the ground somewhere, having the same reaction he had in the car when the lights cut out. But he wasn't, and that was very, very bad.

I raced down the path, shinning the light desperately through the underbrush. "Madix?"

There wasn't an answer. A strong gust of wind blew into my jacket and nearly ripped it off. I yanked it back in place and spun in a circle, heart pounding. The beam was just bright enough to let me see a few yards ahead. He had to be somewhere.

"Madix!" I screamed again. "I swear to God, if this is a joke, it's not funny!"

That was unlikely. He was too afraid of the dark to pull a prank like this. Evan said that this would be just as hard as what he and Gemma had to do. What did they do? I growled in frustration. If I got what Colton wanted, I could come back and look for Madix. But what if Madix needed me now? What if he was bleeding to death somewhere and-

I cut myself off. He was fine. He had to be fine. Evan has been in one piece when Colton let him go. I sprinted as fast as I could up-hill, but had to stop several times to catch my breath. My side still hurt from nearly being kicked in, despite the time that had passed. The darkness was so heavy and thick that I could understand why Madix was so afraid.

Cabins. There were cabins at the top of the hill. One of them had to be the one Colton wanted me to search. The light in my hand shook. When I saw the first building, I had to pause. This place was filled with ghosts. No many of them were still filled after the fire that had ripped through a few years back. I wasn't surprised to see that none of the lights were on. I stepped onto the gravel path, footsteps impossibly loud in the wind.

There were five cabins spread out down the road. They all surrounded a lake that was too deep to swim in and the woods around the buildings were too dangerous to play in. I walked up to the first door and turned the nob.

Locked. That wasn't s problem after I smashed the lock with a large rock. The door creaked open and goosebumps spotted my arms at the sound. The living room was exactly as it had been left, furniture and everything. Dust floated through the air as I stepped inside and let the door fall shut behind me. This would be easier if I knew what I was looking for. I swallowed back my worry about Madix. There was no doubt that we had been split up on purpose, but to leave him without a flashlight was just cruel.

There were paintings on the wall, the bookshelves were still full, and there were plates set out on the kitchen table. I couldn't hear anything; no heater was on and there was no heavy breathing beyond my own. Had the owners left in the midst of the fire and never returned for their things?

The floorboards squeaked under me as I walked up the stairs. All the bedrooms were empty, excluding bedframes, town and dirty mattresses, and I left as quickly as I could. Whatever I was looking for, it wasn't here.

The next two houses heeded similar results. They were creepy, yes, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. I knew immediately that the fourth cabin was different. The wood was worn and the entire building was sagging in the center. The front door hung open by a hinge like an omen.

I picked up a particularly large stick that was on the porch. Not much of a weapon, but I had given Madix my knife and the gun was in the car. I tried to get a better grip with my numb fingers as I pushed my way inside.

The wallpaper was torn down in strips. The couch and two smaller tables had been pushed to the far wall and blocked a doorway. The door to my right looked like it led to a kitchen. I hesitated. The door was probably blocked for a reason and it would be a lot safer to go along with the path. But this was supposed to be difficult. There wouldn't be a path unless it was a trick.

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