9. Evan

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"Act natural," Gemma smiled at a nurse that rushed passed us. "You look guiltier than a bank robber."

            "Sorry, I don't usual smile while committing federal crimes."

            "Get used to it."

            I fidgeted with the key to my dad's office. It was his spare, which meant he probably wouldn't notice it was gone. Probably.

            We arrived on the fifth floor Pediatrics with not flourish. I spotted exactly who I hoped to see at the nurses' station and slid up to the massive desk.

            Nick was busy typing away on his laptop. He apprenticed for dad last summer and worshiped the ground he walked on. Madix asked where the shrine was every time he came with me after school, much to Nick's embarrassment. I didn't really blame him; I would be in awe of my dad too if I didn't see him drinking coffee in his underwear every morning he didn't have to work.

            I leaned over the marble counter; Nick glanced up and his face split into a wide smile. "Hey dude, what can I do for you?"

            "Well, I kind of need to keep this a secret." Nick leaned in and Gemma nudged my side. I cleared my throat, gathering my thoughts one last time. "Dad's been really stressed lately and he always complains about how messy his office is and how he never has time to clean it. I was kind of hoping you could let me back so I could pick it up for him, so he could be surprised when he gets back from Hanaway."

            "I'm not supposed to," he drawled, finger already inching towards the computer's power button.

            "Oh, come on, Nick. It's just me. It would help dad so much."

            He heaved a sigh, but was already smiling. "Fine, but if you get in trouble, I didn't help you!"

            I led Gemma around the desk. The two massive double doors that blocked the offices from the rest of the hospital buzzed. I pushed one side open and waved her through. Nick appeared behind me and followed us to the door of dad's office. I unlocked it and prayed that it was genuinely a mess.

            It was.

            There were papers everywhere; scattered over the floor, stacked on top the filing cabinets in the corner. Gemma whistled lowly as I stepped over the mess and picked up a few folders on the desk.

I glanced over my shoulder. Nick leaned in the doorframe, arms crossed. Gemma shot me a concerned look but began to pick up loose papers anyway.

"You don't have to stay," I tried to sound reassuring, but it came out more suspicious than I hoped. Nick raised an eyebrow. "I mean, it's going to take us a while. What if someone else needs to get buzzed through?"

"I'm fine back here for a few minutes. It's been a slow night," he smiled.

Great, Gemma mouthed. I turned away from both of them and busied myself by stacking patient files. The papers on the floor had to go first, preferably before I slipped and broke my neck. Gemma helped me gather them into a massive pile on the already overflowing desk. There didn't seem to be any order to them, which was so unusual for my dad that I almost questioned if this was his office. He almost had an aneurism if I left the cereal out of the cupboard, let alone if his home office had a single book out of place.

Gemma stepped beside me to help me pick up a particularly heavy box of X-rays. If I hadn't been expected it, I never would have noticed her slipping the key ring out of my pocket. She stepped back immediately and dusted her hands off on her skirt.

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