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Ash POV Last lesson of university has finally finished, I'm not buzzing because of that though. Bianca's show is tonight and I know it will be a bitch of a show. I've had the vip tickets for me and my 3 friends Jord, Tyler and Liza since last year when they first came out after sitting overnight with no sleep waiting for them to be released annoying everyone in sight sleep deprived the day after.
I've been a big fan of drag race after season 5 was released and my friends from home discovered it on a search of something else since then I've made everyone I know watch it which they have fallen in love with and it was one of the main reasons I felt true to myself and came out officially as bi sexual something I never thought would happen!!
We started to get ready, i wasn't really concentrating what i was doing I was in full thought watching everyone else run about grabbing what they needed, I kept thinking and wondering about the other drag queens that were over here doing shows I was seeing Bianca in London today and she had another show Tomorrow and in Liverpool in a few days time adore had shows yesterday and was up in Manchester sometime this week, Courtney, Willam and Alaska were touring as aaa this week in uk and I know Trixie and Katya were about with the aaa girls as there was pictures of them at the airport leaving with Alaska. I tried to picture them all with Bianca tonight supporting her, drinking, going to one of many clubs... stop it ash they are all doing different things there's no way, stop fantasising. I come back from planet Ash in to earth when Tyler shakes his hand in front of my face clicking his fingers, "Hunny i know youre probably having one of your weird sexual dreams and fantasies of bianca or adore but we need to get ready and go or we'll be late we dont want bianca thinking you've gone cold or something..." i slap him, "you asshole Ty !!" I laugh at him he knows that Bianca is one of my favourite drag queens and Roy is one of the nicest people on earth considering that his drag is insult comedy and she tweeted out yesterday about being excited to be in the uk 💕💕 I replied back saying that I couldn't wait to go to her show to read her. And she replied back to me "try me" with the shady faces emoji. I guess I just had good pot luck or something. Tyler knows it's one of my biggest accomplishments but I don't love her in a sexual way and Tyler knows that I hate when he does that.
I get up and look at my phone 5:30... shit the shows at 7:30 doors open at 7:00 and it takes half an hour to get there no wonder Tyler's panicking he wants a close table to her. I get liza to help me out to get ready quickly as she's ready herself, I pick out a similar outfit to one that adore wore the last time I seen her live, knowing I looked snatched. We got out of our dorm out to Jord's car. He has his arm wrapped around me cause I'm shivering we've been besties for years and the both of us moved from home to uni in London, and we haven't been separated since. "You cold or desperately nervous cause if you're nervous you shouldn't be. I'm gonna film you meeting Bianca if ya want??." I hug him "you'll do that for me!!" "Of course I will ash, I know you'd kill me if I didn't..." he shot me a look and laughed to which I laughed too. I don't know what I would do without them.
We arrived at the venue where her show was gonna take place. There was a massive poster of her on the wall I grabbed a random stranger on the street and asked them if they could take a picture of us in front of it. I felt the butterflies in my stomach knowing the show was coming closer and closer.

Roy PoV
We arrived at the venue and went in through the back to the large room backstage everyone in the uk had an nothing to do today except me and we decided to hang out together. I went in first then Danny, shane, Willam, Justin and the two Brian's come trailing after the rest in each other's arms. They became a couple a few weeks ago but they don't want to go public just yet only some of us queens know about it and we can't wait for them to tell their fans who have been shipping them for sometime now. I start to speak to the group as everyone gets comfy, "It great to have a night to hang out with some of my sisters and know that we are gonna have a great time tonight together.." they all cooked at my sympathetic comment "although we know the Brian's want more that a good night with their society sisters... Brian Firkus spluttered, "Jesus Roy I thought the sympathetic side of you had finally something nice to say about today how could have I believed that there wouldn't have been something!" he smirked then looked at the other Brian, "well sugar lips who knows how frisky things could get a different country... we got some fun to look forward to whether it involved London, the rest of the uk or whether the bed in the hotel room we're staying in... oh wait that shit has already been tested." Brian Mccook goes bright red. "Okay guys we don't need to hear of your wild bedroom games you've been playing already I think we get the image." Shane replies back to the comment saving the embarrassment of brian who gives shane a relieved look.
I get into drag into the restroom of the backstage area and come out insisting on the girls opinions which they liked my outfit and got ready to go onstage. This was the first show I have in the uk and I couldn't wait. My tour manager said I would be in in a couple of minutes as I waited with anticipation I lifted a couple of the shots that was sitting in the wing for me "here's to the uk roadshow" I whispered before downing them back....

This was my first ever attempt at a drag fanfic I hope it's alright!!!

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