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Shane pov
We get back to the hotel still laughing from our mischievous plan. "I wonder what's happening right at this moment" ash sighs. "Danny's probably only just back over to Roy you blonde but brunette... did you forget that has took us long to get back to the hotel from the bar!!" There's a short burst of silence, "oh yeah" she giggles at her stupidity. "Wanna come back to my hotel room, I have snacks and we can watch something fun on netflix." She asks me. "Sounds like fun as long as I get to pick what we watch." She rolls her eyes laughing "okay Shaney, you can pick." She smiles at me, I've missed this... connection I guess is what you'd call it.

We get to her room she opens the door with her keys, "I apologise for the mess I literally threw my stuff in" we walk in and it's not really that messy, "trust me I've seen worse... Danny's room is a mess after he's been in a hotel for a week." She laughs. She connects up her Netflix account and throws me the remote, "I'll grab the phone so we can call to get food up here." I nod flicking through Netflix to find something to watch, she returns with the phone. "What shall we get??" We start to make a list... well we had planned for a small list but got carried away slightly. I phone down to the hotel lobby and someone working in the hotel appeared shortly up to the room where we handed them the note. "He probably thinks that there is gonna be a party with the amount of food we've ordered." She laughs, "but it's just two greedy people who can't choose what they want to eat!!" She shuffles over to leave her bag in the floor beside her case and lifts her phone out ."What have you decided on then." Shit I actually wasn't sure what to put on and I didn't want ash to not like the choice too especially as she was inviting me back to her room so I was hoping that ash would pick something good and I'd make something up to why I hadnt decided especially after making a fuss to choose. "You pick, I couldn't decide." She picks the remote and flicks through shall we stick a movie on or we can watch friends cause I'm a massive sucker for it ." "sounds great we can watch some of our favourite episodes then" she puts her first choice of episode on pause and jumps onto her massive king size bed, I'm still sitting on the edge of the bed, she kicks of her shoes as they fly across the room and gets under her covers. She pats the bed beside her. I take off my jacket and flick my shoes off too and walk over anticipating how awkward it kinda was since we are supposed to be on a break from each other but yet it doesn't feel like it. I sit on top of the covers beside her. "You not getting under its a lot cosier, I don't bite!" She smiles deeply at me. That smile still gives me chills up my spine. "Okay sure." I get under the duvet, as she sticks on the episode the one with all the thanksgivings were joey gets his head stuck inside the turkey a great episode. I notice She obviously doesn't care too much about the space that we are apparently supposed to have, so why should I maybe im overthinking it... I put my arm around her taking my "not caring anymore" statement fully but still lightly on the back of my mind a voice is still playing with the fact that we should be keeping space between each other, I can see she's smiling again. I feel myself smile while blushing as I refocus my attention to the episode. Letting that voice become smaller and less worrying
Ash pov
We finished 4 episodes now it is actually fairly good to see us laughing together again. It my turn again I'm flicking through the potential episodes trying to pick one. "They're coming back to the hotel again well Roy  is at least, he asked what we were doing so I told him and he sent me back 'be there in 10' ." Shane shows me his phone. I nod getting out of my bed and grabbed one of the couch pillows. "What are you doing??" I laugh, "we've got to make my leg injury seem real." He looks at me with confusion, "leg injury, what do yo..." he pauses "Oh damn I forgot about our cover story" I laugh, "lucky I remembered," I slapped him on the arm lightly and playfully. There was a firm knock on the door, Shane leaped out and went to open the door, "god he sent that message pretty late on." I hummed in agreement. "Miss Ash Leighton your room servi...," the confusion is in the poor mans voice as he pauses seeing Shane at the door. "Yes I'm here bring it on in." I shout out to the hotel staff member. Shane leads him in and walks over to the side of the bed, "I think we may have ordered too much..." Shane giggles as 2 men come in with transporters with dishes covering all shelves. "Whoops" I laughed "big party coming tonight" I shake my head "nope two more hopefully, we just like to have a lot." They nod awkwardly and leave the room. We burst out laughing, "there's so much food" I giggle grabbing the closest tray to see what it is, 12 freshly baked pancakes. Yum...

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