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3rd person POV

Adam hated silence.

He hated the silence, and everything it brought with it.

He hated the memories and the nightmares it brought.

It reminded him of the silence when it had been just him and his mom.

It reminded him of the nights he sit in silence, waiting for his mom to get home from work.

It reminded him of the way he'd hear the car alarm beep, the door open, and keys jangle. He'd throw the covers off and run downstairs, right into his mother's arms.

Those were the times he didn't mind the silence.

Then when he died and was sent to heaven, he never got a moment of silence.

It was his prom with music blaring and kids laughing and screaming.

It was all he heard 24/7.

Those were the times he missed the silence.

Then after he was revived he met his brothers, Castiel, and Bobby.

Most of the time he sat in silence, once in a while hearing a page turn or the quiet mumbling of discussing a theory, but it all ended in silence.

He used the silence to think about the times with his mother.

Those were the times he used the silence to think.

Then he was thrown in the cage with Lucifer, Michael, and Sam.

He spent most of his time in pain, screaming. It wasn't too bad until Sam had disappeared one day.

Michael and Lucifer were angry, so they took it out on him.

He was torn apart, piece by piece, screaming until he couldn't scream anymore.

They did this all day long, every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day, of every week, of every month, of every year, of every decade, and they didn't stop.

Those were the times he begged for silence.

Then someone had saved him.

That someone being Samandriel.

Samandriel had left to get supplies and Adam was left in silence.

That silence reminded him of his time in hell.

The time he couldn't escape the silence.

Those were the times he hated the silence.

He hated the silence till this day.

Whenever it got to quiet in the bunker, he would always tap a pencil, cough, or tap his foot.

Anything to make the silence go away.

But right now, in this moment, it occurred to Adam he hadn't minded the silence.

The Winchester's and Cas were on a hunt, leaving the bunker to Samandriel and him.

Adam had been lying in bed, next to Samandriel.

He noticed the time was about 11:30am, late to be just waking up.

Probably due to him and Samandriel staying up late and Adam teaching him how to play some video games.

Adam woke up first, Samandriel still sleeping.

Adam studied every feature in his face.

Every line, every crease, every perfect little thing that made Samandriel, Samandriel.

The way his chest moved up and down as he breathed, the way his moves moved as he smiled, they way he looked so peaceful and happy and content when he was sleeping.

Adam wondered how he looked when he was sleeping.

If you could see his bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, the way he jerked in his sleep, the way he woke up in the middle of the night, soaked in sweat and tears from nightmares.

It was then it occurred to him that it was silent.

There was no sound echoing through the bunker.

No keys jangling, no pages rustling, no low mumbling, no opening and closing of doors, no music blasting, no tv blaring, nothing.

Dead silence.

The one thing Adam hated more then the nightmares.

He felt the urge to move, to create some noise, to do something.

Something to make some noise, a sound.

He was ready to move when Alfie buried himself in Adam's chest, and threw an arm around him.

Adam knew he would have to wake Alfie if he moved, so he took a breath and stayed still, trying not to think about when he was a child, or the memories from Hell.

After a few minutes Adam seemed to calm down, not so scared anymore.

He felt the warmth Alfie was radiating.

He looked down at the angel and made a decision.

He decided that he was going to try.

He was going to try for his angel.

He was going to try and bare the silence.

He swore every time there was silence he would think of this moment.

The moment where he had a sleeping angel in his arms.


As time went on, Adam learned not to fear the silence, but to embrace it, like he did when he was a child.

And it was all because of a certain angel.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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