MOOve it Along

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You guys are sweet.
Enjoy! :)

Jordan's entire body was rippling with pain as the imbalance seemed to lash at his senses, sending him further down a set of dark thoughts.  He tried to shake them, to keep his focus, but the waves seem to only crawl higher in his brain as the curse overwhelmed him.

Now was not the time for this.

He was just so tired, so frustrated, and had been so close. At that moment, he didn't even care that this guy could kill him easily, he just wanted things to go right just once.

This thing had taken his tree, his home.  Now, he was taking away the one thing that may save the only thing he has left to protect.

"Aww, is little Sparkly upset?"  Furia cooed, tilting his head-Tom's head..

Rage boiled in his gut.

"I'll kill you, you bastard!"

"Jordan-" Tucker began, but it was too late.  His warning fell on deaf ears.

Jordan was running, sword out as he leapt at Furia. Furia stepped aside easily, leaving Jordan struggling to stop his momentum and turn. However, he wasn't fast enough as Furia quickly delivered a harsh kick to his exposed back. Jordan fell hard, his sword hand twisting painfully as his full weight crashed down on it.

He lept to his feet as fast as he could, but was immediately waylaid by a sharp blow to the side of his head. Jordan cried out as he staggered back, his vision fuzzy as his head swam in pain. He vaguely heard a sword clash as one of his friends charged Furia.

Head throbbing, Jordan tried to refocus his vision, but the effort nearly sent him toppling back over.

He felt supporting hands steady him and nearly flinched away from them before he realized it was simply Sonja.

"You alright, Jordan?"

"Yeah." He muttered back, forcing himself to stand up straight again. His vision was starting to steady, and he could now make out the two figures fighting.  The blow had also cleared some of the rage building in him and he was able to think clearly for the moment.

"Good. I'm going to go help Tucker beat this asshole outta Tom."

And with that, the hands left his shoulders, and Sonja, with her sword raised, charged Furia. Steel ringing, the fox joined the fray. As if sensing his girlfriend's approach, Tucker knelt down just in time for her to launch herself off his back and deliever a downward blow where Furia's head had been moments before, glancing him on the shoulder instead.

As he watched them fight, he realized something was wrong. Sonja and Tucker were much better fighters than this. He had fought them on several occasions, and while Jordan thought himself a good fighter, he was nothing near them. Perhaps it was the longer expanse of time they'd been training, or their higher understanding of accessing their god's power. Either way, how they were fighting now wasn't nearly on par with what he'd seen. After a moment, the reason became obvious.

They weren't just fighting Furia..they were fighting Tom.

In the heat of the moment, he had forgotten that the man before him was not just Furia, but Furia inhabiting Tom.

And Sonja and Tucker..

They didn't want to hurt Tom.

Despite how much the three argued and fought, there was still a bond between them. When they weren't at each other's throats, one would say they were akin to siblings. And now, Furia was parading around in Tom's body, using it like a shield, taunting them. Jordan had no idea how long the three had been together, but it had been long enough to grow a bond stronger than their ties to the gods.

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