chapter 1

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Looking out the tinted window of the black SUV, I take in my new school. In front of me is a mixture of people as students drag their suitcases and trunks into the mansion they call school. Well boarding school to be exact.

Being a billionaire's daughter, people would expect me to live in a house this big, but my father believes in modesty so instead we live in a cottage in the Italian countryside. Don't get me wrong the cottage is done up and glamorous, not much like a normal cottage at all but still is no mansion.

"Parker, please take me back down the road I don't want anyone thinking I get special treatment." I tell my driver.

Starting at a new school means I can start over. No one knows me here so no need to stand out like a frog in a duck pond. I plan to tell no one my background, especially about my family's money. I just want a normal American high school experience with real friends, not suck ups.

Getting out of the SUV I am welcomed by the California heat. Living in Italy my whole life with my American father, I was used to the heat. In fact I enjoyed the sun of my olive skin, it reminded me of the long summer days on the Italian beaches with my mother. She would sit platting my hair and singing sweet melodies. But those days are far behind me.

Grabbing my trunk out of the back of the car, I say a quick goodbye to my driver before making a start towards the school. Excitement bubbles in my stomach as I think of the adventure before me.

I've watched my fair share of American high school movies, and while I've been told it's all fake for the camera I can't help but think they can't of made all of it up.

I realize my mistake as I feel my trunk getting heavier behind me but continue to push forward.

After a few more minutes of struggling to pull my heavy trunk towards the boarding school I fully regret letting my driver drop me a few blocks from the school.

Suddenly a honk sounds from behind me and I turn to the road to see a gorgeous girl with long blonde locks driving a Ferrari. Of course, typical Hollywood. I think to myself with a smile.

"Hey darling, hop in my car and I'll give you a hand with that trunk." The blonde says with a warm smile.

Thankful for this girl saving me from struggling to school with my trunk I quickly agree with a thanks. Lifting my trunk into her flash car I jump into the passengers seat and she reeves the engine and we are off.

"Hey I didn't manage to catch your name." The girl says as we make our way towards the front doors of the school.

"The names Remington, Blake Remington." I say jokingly.

Laughing, the girl replies, "Nice to meet you Blake, I'm Maximillian but everyone calls me Maxi."

We continue our walk to the school making small talk and joking over movies.

"Hey where are you from? I think I hear a faint accent." Maxi asks me with a smile.

"Dang I have been practicing my American accent for weeks now, but yes I am from Italy." I half joke while I actually have been practicing my American accent for the sake of not standing out.

"Woah awesome, it's like we are made to be best friends! I am absolutely in love with Italy!" Maxi exclaims happily.

I fake a smile and let out a little whoop whoop secretly wanting to get out of this conversation quickly. Luckily we have arrived inside the schools front hall and Maxi points me in the direction of the sign in booth. Saying our good byes she promises me she will find me at the assembly.

I make my way over the the booth and get in line.

"Hello Blake Remington please," I say to the girl sitting behind the booth, once I've made it to the front of the line.

Giving me a cold smile she hand me a key saying, "Room 169, up the stairs and to your left." Before moving on to the next person in line with our another word.

Taking the elevator up, as the stairs was not an option with my trunk, I find myself in front of room 169. Inside I find an average size room with two beds and a large window in between the beds. One of the beds has already been taken so I move towards the vacant bed.

I find a dresser in the corner of the room and start unpacking. An hour or so later my trunk is unpacked and I have decorated my half of the room so I lay back on my bed and listen to the commotion going on outside me room.

I haven't heard from or seen my roommate yet but by looking at the black decorations on her side of the room I'm trying not to judge.

Suddenly I hear footsteps approaching my door, so I sit up to meet whoever is at my door. A girl walks in wearing all black. I am a little shocked by her appearance at first as she has long black hair tied in a messy bun and a nose piercing along with many ear piercings and loads of black eyeliner. Yet I smile nonetheless and greet her.

I ask her name and she replies with, "Tallulah. I was told to come get you, the school assembly is starting in ten minutes."

And with those few words she left me in utter silence. Taken aback by her abruptness I look down at my clothes and realize I need to change out of my comfy clothing. Running around my room I throw on a silk leopard print tank top and tuck it into black skinny jeans.

Style before comfort, I think as I imagine the heat of the California summer. Pulling on some sandles and combing my long black hair I leave my room in a rush.

The halls are deserted as I sprint towards the faint voices in what I assume to be the auditorium. Slowing down to a jog I round the last corner and collide smack into someone's hard chest.

"S-sorry," I splutter averting my eyes from the person I ran into.

I hear a deep chuckle as a male voice says, "No problem sweetheart." In a smooth, attractive American accent.

I look up to see a blue eyed muscular yet lean boy. He has tan skin and his hair is light brown with bleached tips from the summer sun. I take a step back and watch him look at me in amusement. He smirks and takes a step forward, snaking his arms around my waist and leans down towards my ear. 

I let out a soft gasp as his breath grazes my ear and then whispers, "Keep on dreaming sweetheart." Before smirking again and walking past me like nothing happened.

What the- " What a-" I am cut of by Maxi waving wildly at me from down the hall.

"Come on Blake, you're already late to the assembly!" She shouts as I make my way over to her, confused and annoyed.


Hey lovelies, hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of my book. :) I'll be updating soon xx
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Have a wonderful day <3

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