Ch. 35 - Training day (Lefrog)

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Lefrog's POV:

"Frog magic- turn into a Gecko!!" Joy casted.

She transformed into a small gecko, and crawled on the wall, soon enough she transformed back and pounced on the water giant I created.

The giant fell ok the ground, and collapsed into ordinary water.

"Good show, Joy!" I said.

"Thanks grandpa." She smiled.

"Alright time for your next session in training, using your transformation as attacks." I said.

"Uhhh, doesn't that mean..." Jake said.

"Yes, you can't use your wand since you're in transformation." I explained.

"Okay then, let's go." Esquire said.

"Frog magic!!" All of them casted.

One by one they each we're of a different reptile.

Esquire was a Gecko
Joy was a camellon
Jake and mike stuck to their signature frog look.

"We just wanna stay like this for a while." Mike said.

I nodded.

Suddenly a dragon appeared.

"What the heck?!" Jake shrieked.

The dragon was what they call a "Sea serpent" it had a stream like current of water flowing on it's Sky blue scales, it had blue green eyes, and no wings.

"Great the sea serpent has appeared."  Jake said.

"Alright then,training starts now!!!" I yelled.

They nodded.

Each of hen went in separate ways, and we're making progress as they go, Dodging, and Fighting back with whatever they could do, but I noticed Jake wasn't himself, he was having a hard time concentrating in the battle, that he could get hit with one if the attacks.

I decided to call him in.

"Jake come here for a moment." I said.

He looked at me and nodded, then transformed back into human and ran towards me.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I wanna talk to you for a moment, here sit." I said making a chair out of Lilipad.

He sat next to me.

"Something seems to be troubling you.." I said.

He looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

I sighed.

"Is there something troubling you, something...... Or.... Someone...." I said.

He was about to respond but stopped himself and looked down to his feet, and sighed.

"There.... Is." He said lowly..

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's not what.... It's who..." He responded.

I was confused.

"If who, then who is it, is it someone you care about, or you dislike?" I asked.

He looked at me.

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