The announcement

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                              November 25th, 2017

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November 25th, 2017

Chelsea's P.O.V

It was a cold dark night here in Newfoundland. I always loved to see winter around the Atlantic Ocean; seeing the snow flakes drizzle onto the frozen ground, licking the frozen grass. I was out gazing around the streets of my town, looking at all the bright lights decorating the snow covered streets, fascinated with the beautiful aura of Christmas.

I noticed that the street lights came on, meaning that it was getting really late and I remembered that I had an important family dinner. I gazed at the crowded street and I made my way through them to get home.

As I walked in my home i sighed at how warm the house felt compared to outside in the night. I looked over at George our butler walking vastly over to me  warning me that my mother was  looking for me in the dining room. I walked in to where my mother was. "Chelsea, flad you could finally join us" she said while dusting off imaginary dust off her deep blue silk dress.

"Now sit down so your father and I can tell you our important news". I sat down at the table and my father looked at me with a stern look as he spoke "As you know your mother and I are moving to America, when we leave we need you to go mature yourself and get your life sorted out after all you are 23 years old, your not growing any younger".

I looked at my father with his pale brown eyes and spoke.
"Dad, I think I know how to run our familys business"

My mother spoke up and said"We told you we will give you 60 days to find a suitable or possible husband so you can manage the business with your husband and not alone.  you still have 30 days left to find a man, "In 30 days your father and I will be back and if you have got a man then you can have the business, it is the way it is going to be"

Nothing else was said after that. I finished my supper and went up to my room. How am i suppose to find a guy suitable for me in 30 days. That is like looking for a needle in a hay stack. I brushed my dark hair and changed into my night shirt and shorts and went to sleep. I'll deal with this in the morning was the last thing I thought of before I went to sleep. 


A\N. Hi, so this is my first time writing a story so forgive me if its boring.The next chapter will be way longer this was just to start the book of. Thank you and have a nice day.-C.N

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