The Coffee Shop

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 November 28th, 2017

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November 28th, 2017

Chelsea's P.O.V

      I thought of an idea, instead of wasting my time on these online dating sites, i should just go out and mingle with some people.

I got up from my queen size bed and felt the floor peircing my skin like an icicle. Making my way into my bathroom turning on the light. The sink counter was black marble, the floor tiles were freshly polished white and my shower head was inside my wall on the ceiling.

I turned on the water and felt to see if I liked the temperature. I sighed feeling the hot water cover my skin, seeing a little bit of steam arise. I discarded my clothes and stepped in.

When I finished taking my shower i padded my way over to my closet engrossed with all of the outfits and clothes I had  drowned in my closet. The interior of my closet was beautiful, light pink splattered around the room, with a hint of black.

I went over to the right section where the winter clothes were stocked and grabbed a pair of dark jeans and a light gray shirt along with a navy green jacket that had small gold buttons. Since i knew that it was snowing outside I grabbed a beige scarf.  I then grabbed my car keys and my phone and headed out of the door.

   I parked my truck then went inside and ordered a medium Tea and took a seat loving the aura of the place. Shortly after I took out my laptop and went on facebook to see if anything was happening.

There was a post made by one of my friends saying that she just found out she was having a baby. I sighed wanting to feel that excited. I got a little bit upset with myself knowing a lot of people my age is finishing collage, getting married or dating and having babies. I just don't want to miss out on what life has in store for me.

      An hour later I have watched a lot of people come in and out of the little coffee shop. There was one guy that just came in and my mind wanted to unlock him like a new level in a game. The guy was tan, tall, he looked like he covered my entire frame by a couple of inches. brown fluffy hair that came to his shoulders with a few curls sticking out,and beautiful  mesmerizing green eyes. Even from 6 feet away I can see how green his eyes were. The nameless guy looked at me so I turned back to my laptop screen blushing a bright red.

A few momemets later I heard someone clearing their troat, It was the guy with the green eyes from earlier.

"Hello love, do you mind if I sit here, I'm afraid that The rest of the tabels are taken" he said in a deep attracting voice with a strong British accent.

"Sure" was all i could get out.
The guy sat down and begin to start a converstaion with me.

The nameless guy that I found out was named Harry told me that he just came to Newfoundland from England, and that he is trying to find a place to live.

Me being me told him he could come stay with me since there is lots of room at the house and that my parents won't mind because they are hardly ever home. But only if I could do a background check, he agreed.

I know, i know what your thinking, 'why would she let a stranger into her house, she just met him, literally' I'm sorry if I am just a nice person but he could maybe be a potential Husband.

Who knows?
       Hi guys, i just wanted to say thank you to SHARRYSUMMERS for making a book cover for the book❤♥️

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