Shopping Day

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  November 27th 2017

Chelsea' s P.O.V
           It was a bright winter morning, the snow rising more and more each day. The streets were coated in a fresh new batch of purified snow from the sky. I got dressed in a pair of light blue  jeans, with a beige sweater that had a nice design to it. I then padded my way into the bathroom and turned the light on.

I gazed at myself and sighed, my hair was starting to frizz up so I brushed it and put it into a high ponytail. When I finished I then finished my basic look with some clear lip gloss.

I needed to come up with plan number two for finding a potential boyfriend. I realized that if i am going to be seeing people i have at least look presentable. I then grabbed my keys for my 2016 Chevy Sierra and went out of the house after locking it.

       I arrived at the Avalon mall and made a stop to Journey's first. I got a couple pairs of high top converse then went to Hot Topic. After i finished my shopping i made my way into my car.

I was driving down main street looking around at the festivities and I passed by my personal hairstylist house. I knocked on her door and waited. I saw her open the door And she greeted me inside. 5'8 with dark skin; a narrow face, pale pink lips with a sharp jaw bone complemeted by her hazel eyes.
I asked if she could do my hair for me.
She said "sure, come on in"

Since I need to 'get my life together' its just as well for me to changed a few things about my self that I have been wanting for a while now.

    An hour later my hairstylist Megan  was done. I went from having jet black hair to brown hair with light highlights. I looked so different and I liked this type of different, it made me feel like a new person. I thanked Megan and went back home after a long day.

Once I was home I went and started cooking supper. I cooked chicken and pasta and making salads for my maids: butler and me since my parents were gone. Once we were done eating I cleared off the table and put all my new clothes and other items away in my walk in closet. Then an idea strucked.

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