The search is on.

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November 25th, 2017

Chelsea's P.O.V

              I woke up at 7:30 knowing I have a busy day ahead of me. I went and took a shower, did my make up and got ready for another day of  shopping. As I was done getting ready I called Jeanette to tell her about the news.
              Jeannette had arrived so we got ready to make a plan about what were going to do about me getting a boyfriend. She said she wanted to play matchmaker to find me a date for tonight. Once we had a match we set up a date for tonight at 6:00 pm at  ShameRock city. While we were waiting for 6 o'clock to arrive we started to watch christmas movies.

6:23 pm

I was sitting down in a booth waiting for my date to get here constantly checking the time on my phone. I saw this handsome blonde man with dark blue eyes,  his height  around 6 foot. he had a muscular build that attracted me to his body  I found him really attractive. his eyes were alluring  making me snap out of my daze. he greeted me with it handshake, his warm rough hands greeted my soft and small ones.

I noticed that he actually looked like his Matchmaker's profile picture. usually men don't look like their pictures it's always a set up for an awkward date. The guy Ben and I were having a great time together,  we talked about things going on he told me about himself,  and I told him some things about me.

Everything was going great until he told me  I wasn't his type of girl that he usually goes for. We finished eating in silence, it was awkward for sure and i wanted the world to swallow me up and gobble me down into a dark abyss.
I paid for both of our dinners and left silently. I just don't understand how someone could sign up for a date and then say to the dates face and tell them that they are not your type. I  get it if I'm not his type but he could've declined. I arrived at home and made some cookies like I normally do when I'm upset.

      The cookies were out of the oven when my parents walked downstairs with their luggage. They told me to be safe and that they love me and not to forget I only have 29 days now. As they were leaving they said 'see you on christmas and we hope you will have a husband by then'. I kissed them goodbye and they were gone out the door.

   A lot of people always felt bad for me when I was growing up. You see my parents had a huge business in our town.We always had a huge home and stuff but my parents were never home with me.I remember on time when I was 9 my parents went on a vacation with their friends for christmas and left me at home with the butler.

Sure when I finished high school my parents never even came to see me get my diploma. The only things they had to say to me growing up was to get good grades and stay away from boys, not really guiding me. Who would've thought that almost 7 years later they would be telling me that i have to get a man in 30 days. Scratch that 29 days now,
Oh how the countdown has started.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N. Hey guys. Like I said before this is my first story so give it a couple chapters until it get interesting and not as rushed.Comment if you want a bio about Chelsea. Thank you!-C.N

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