Hey guys this is the new update don't forget to comment and vote bye :*
Day 6,
Ok so today is Monday so once again gotta get ready for school. I put my hair in a high pony and put a cute hot pink head band on then I put on a black shirt that said Michigan state on it (sorry again Michigan fans) then I got some grey skinny jeans on. then I realized a green head band would go better with this out fit so I put on my neon green one instead. then I ate brushed my teeth and went to school.
When I got to school once again just gonna skip this part so yah ttyiam. (talk to you in a minute)
When school got out I went to my car and was putting my stuff in the trunk then my worst enemy hit me with her car, I mean not bad but she made me smash my fingers in my trunk door and broke my fingers on my right hand. and it sucks cus I write with my right hand. but then I got in my car and drove home. when I was driving a bee flew in my window and stung me. I'm mildly allergist to bees so my neck swelled up and I couldn't breath, I hit a car. then the guy pulled over and got out of his can, came over to me and hit me with a stick... it didn't even hurt. then my vision went 50% blurry and just as it went blurry a lady came running over to help just as a lightning bolt came down and hit me the lady called 911 and I was rushed to the emergency room.
When I woke up my neck wasn't swollen and I could breath again. my vision was also back.
"She's gonna be fine no brain damage from the lightning or anything but she is gonna me here for at least 1 month." said the nurse.
After a while my mom dad brother and sister left.