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camigv We can't wait to meet you, Sweets ❤️ #august2018 #BabyCorrea #5weeks

thequeenmv: congrats baby! I'm super exited to meet the new addition to the family! 😬😬

fernandovargas: the baby isn't a baby no more 😕🙁☹️

nessgallegos: August can't come any quicker I can't wait! 😬😬❤️❤️

mfgm2: pulga felicidades! Que benedicion tan grande! (Congratulations! What an enormous blessing!)

andreavidrio: I can't wait until you finally start showing.😫😫😫

sydneyleroux: being a mom is the best thing that could ever happen to you! Congrats C best wishes! Miss & love you!❤️

daniellasemaan: you're going to be an amazing mother, doll! If you need anything I'm right here 💕💕😘

antonellaroccuzzo88: ahhhhhh que emoción! ❤️ un bebo mas! 💕 aver cuando nos juntamos  tú y yo 😬😬(how exiting! One more baby! Let's get together soon)

gigigallegos: I. CANT. WAIT. TO. PINCH. SOME. SWEET. CHECKS ❤️❤️❤️❤️

sofiahuerta: I'm so exited for you! 👏🏼👏🏼❤️

nikefc: another baby to the family! Congrats!

adri_gallegos: Bear is finally gonna have another cousin! I'm so happy for you guys! I can't freaking wait! 💕

yovankagv: idek who's more excited me or all the money im going to spend on your child!

cruzag: hell Yeah sister!

tucucorrea: el mejor regalo que alguien me puede dar y que sea de ti mejor! Los amo infinitamente ❤️😘 (the best present anyone could gift me and its because it's from you! I love you broth immensely!)

uswnt_soccer: soccer momma, soccer baby 💪🏼👏🏼⚽️

paulodybala: el bebo ya se iso! Felicidades! (The baby has been made)


marianavicente: my heart is gonna explode from the happiness! 😫😫❤️

nicolebreanna: you're already my fav momma. No doubt 😘💕

daniellagallegosv: IM GONNA CRY IM TOO FREAKING HAPPY ❤️❤️😭

fanscamillayjoaquin: baby correa coming soon 💪🏼

christenpress: if your baby doesn't have your dimples, I'm suing

damianvillegas: RT RT

gallegosfamilyfanpage: congrats to one of our favorite couple!

fccorrea11: va ser el bebé más hermosa del mundo (it's gonna be the cutest baby)

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