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Camilla debated on whether she should use the house key or knock as she stood in front of the house she had called home. The keys jingled between her fingers, and she decided to knock instead; stuffing the keys back into her purse. She knocked once and then twice waiting for Joaquin to answer the door. Emiliano was seated in his stroller, his eyes closed and Camilla peered to make sure he was breathing.

Joaquín opened the door revealing his family, a smile on his face as he came face to face with Camilla who he hadn't seen in two weeks. The urge of pulling her into a hug, and letting his lips wonder unto hers, but just by the expression of her face  made it clear Camilla would never forgive him.

Joaquín finally, quietly stepped aside letting Camilla walk in with the stroller, his first thought landing on his son as he reached to unbuckle him from the harnesses of his stroller. There was an overwhelming feeling in his heart that told him to cry, a lump in his throat making it almost impossible to breathe as he stared quietly at Emiliano. He had seemed to have grown in the two weeks they were apart, but to him it seemed an eternity. His fingers lingered a bit longer on his cheeks, and a soft smiled tugged on his lips.

How was he suppose to live with the sole fact that he would be apart from his son? How was he suppose to wake up now without his first thought being to see Emiliano sleeping in his crib, how was he suppose to come back from trainings to Emiliano laying quietly, as Camilla began tummy time only to have him sweep him up and take him upstairs with him for their daily nap. How was he suppose to sleep knowing that anytime soon Camilla would wake and feed him and he would trail groggily behind to watch her as she latched his lips to her breast.

How was he suppose to change his life once more to the way it was before he became a father? That's all he knew now. Just the thought seemed so foreign to him and he didn't quite want to settle with it. Camilla looked at Joaquin and Emiliano quietly and she felt her heart clench as the sight of them together. The way Joaquin let his lips linger on his forehead for moments longer that normal, cherishing the way he felt and smelt.

Closing her eyes and shaking her head, she was able to bring herself back and look at the divorce papers her lawyer was able to file after contacting the court house in Argentina where they wedded, "I brought the papers for you to read." She finally spoke and Joaquin looked at her before settling their son into the stroller.

Joaquín only eyed the stack that Camilla had laid on the coffee table and he shook his head, "I already told you I'm not signing them." He spoke and Camilla scoffed with a roll of her eyes, "You can do whatever, but you cannot force me to sign them."

Camilla narrowed her eyes and she could not believe the audacity of his words, "I did not ask." She hissed, "I'm telling you."

Joaquin sighed, closing his eyes, "Im not losing my family." He clarified and Emiliano began to fuss, as he woke from his sleep.

Camilla quickly reached for him, kissing both of his cheeks as she took him in her arms, "You should've thought about that before getting another idiot pregnant." She stated, though she wanted him to continue being stubborn and fight for them. To prove to her that he wanted her as much as she wanted him, "Are you going to play happy families with her too?" She asked, with every word she said sarcasm dripped.

Joaquín shook his head and he wanted to approach her and take her into her hold, "I'm not playing with anyone." He stated, there was clear annoyance in his voice as he looked at Camilla, "My family is you and my son. You're my wife, I promised to love you and I'm not going to be the one to break that promise."

Camilla laughed sarcastically, still shifting her weight back and forth as she tried to soothe Emiliano, "Did you rehearse that?" She asked harshly, "I was your wife, in my eyes I'm not married to you." She added and Joaquin physically could feel his heart leave in search of hers.

"How long were you screwing her behind my back anyways?" She finally asked as she laid Emiliano once more in the stroller, "I mean after the first time I caught you."

And their was a silence between them, and Camilla wanted him to speak up, to tell her all about it. She wanted to know how long was she stood up as a complete idiot thinking she finally had it all. That she wasn't stupid to get pregnant as soon as they got together, to marry someone while they weren't even together for a year, "Just answer this question once." She pleaded, her voice bleak waiting for his voice to speak.

Joaquín shook his head, and knew how long. He knew how stupid he had been, how much he had wasted on a women that wasn't his wife, that wasn't the one he wanted to marry. How stupidly he had fallen into her DMs, how stupidly he had ended up in bed with her when Camilla was in London and that was enough for him to ruin his life, "Once, I had sex with her once." He mumbled and Camilla wiped away the tears from her cheeks and nodded, "But it's enough to make my lose you."

Camilla looked at anything but Joaquin, how she had wished she had never looked at the DM that March or had flown out stupidly like a high school school girl to Seville. She had wished she would've never met him, but all that didn't make sense to her. She met him and those roots that he dug into her soul were not leaving; because they met, she has the best thing that's ever happened to her- their son.

"I didn't screw her the first time-"

"But you sure as hell were cheating!" She yelled, angrily, "You might not have ended up in bed, but hiding your phone or leaving every time you received a notification is cheating, that's screwing her too!"

This time Camilla could careless if she was seen crying by him, she wanted him to see how much pain he has caused and he knew. There was no need for him to be shown, he knew because she wasn't there in the mornings to kiss her sleeping lips as he left in the mornings for training. She wasn't there in the afternoons with their son when he got home from trainings. She wasn't there.

"If it's not my baby," He began carefully, "Will you return?" He asked full of hope.

Camilla shook her head and looked at their son, "The damage is done regardless  if Desires child is yours or not."

It was silent for a few moments and Camilla finally looked at the papers and pulled another stack, "These are custody papers." She finally whispered, "We have to call our lawyers before we make a decisions about Emiliano."

"I'll be in Barcelona permanently." She added while reaching for her bag, "My flight leaves in three hours and I'll have our lawyers be in touch so I won't have to be in touch with you." She added and Joaquin felt his whole world fall down on him as he wiped the tears away from his cheeks.

"The less contact we have right now, the better. Once we have this whole situation figure out, we will only have to speak to each other if it's for Emiliano's sake." She reasoned again and she wanted to be held in his arms, but she all of a sudden had to be held by her own arms, and it felt so foreign.


"I don't want to hear it," she sighed and looked at him, "I can't anymore."

Joaquin shook his head and looked at her, "Happy anniversary."

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