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To say he was furious was an understatement.

Freeza was beyond furious. He clenched his teeth in anger, his face a perpetual snarl as he spun around in his cocoon, surrounding by sickeningly bright and friendly fairies.

Of course the monkey didn't keep his promise, he thought bitterly. What else could I have expected from a saiyan? But mark my words, Son Goku. I may be dead but my revenge against you and the universe is inevitable.

One of the fairies flew up to his cocoon. "Aww! Why the down face?"

Freeza's eye twitched as he imagined twenty brutal ways of torture for his happy perpetrator. "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

Another fairy tutted. "Uh oh! Look's like someone's unhappy."

Freeza screamed from his pupa, the sound screeching and torturous. Once he had gotten that out of his system, his (superficial) heartbeat returned to normal. Instead of paying attention to the singing and dancing stuffed animals parading at the bottom of his tree, he occupied himself by forming revenge plans. All of them seemed good but there was always one complication... he was dead as a doorknob and would remain that way unless an outside party intervened. Which obviously wasn't going to happen since the entire universe hated him. Of course there were the small remainders of his crew that had survived when he and Sorbet hadn't. But what could they possibly do?

So Freeza indulged himself in dark thoughts of death and destruction, all the while being surrounded by a beautiful meadow inhabited by cute, fluffy animals and giggling fairies. No prison would hold him forever, not even death. He had all the time in the world; someday he would escape hell and return back to the living realm. And when that happened, no one was going to escape unscathed.


"Niifa!" her assistant Moblit* called from the hallway outside the lab. "Are you coming? It's been a long day at work and we're going to get some drinks!"

"Not tonight, guys," the Head Technician replied, brushing her hands over some schematics in a vain attempt to smooth out the wrinkles. "But don't let me stop you. Go on out and have fun."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." She sighed and rubbed her temples. "Kafara's a patient person but we all know that she's a megalomaniac with a shit ton of power at her hands. If I don't get this done soon then it'll be my head hanging up on her throne room."

Moblit went up to her, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder. He towered over her at six foot but Niifa didn't mind it. In some way, it was oddly endearing. Moblit wasn't the cutest face on Kafara's Fleet but he was truly a gentle giant at heart. "Don't worry about it too much, Niifa. You'll find a way. You always do." He ruffled her blonde hair, making her face glow with delight.

Niifa smoothed down her angelic curls, her ears perking. "Well... I guess I could always go for that drink. But it's on you, 'kay?" Who says flattery doesn't get you anywhere?

Moblit pumped his fist. "Yes! Attagirl, Niifa!" He directed his voice to the lab door. "Hey guys! Niifa's joining us after all!"

A tide of voices sounded.

"Wow, really?!"

"Nice going, Moblit!"

"She really needs to get out of the lab more. Can't be that healthy working in there all day."

"How do you do it Moblit?"

"Moblit, you legend!"

So the elite tech squad wandered down the winding corridors of Kafara's ship, not at all lost by the seemingly endless maze. They were docked on Planet Virkulian, a place where Kafara had some 'unfinished business' as she claimed. The gigantic ship, suspended in the air and roped to the surface of celestial body with klangite, nearly loomed over half of the planet, casting a dark shadow overhead city center.

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