Chapter 24

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Linet pov

I'd never seen someone as determined as Isabelle was as we entered that small market place. People stopped and gawked at her as she passed.

I could hear whispers of the notorious girl with the dog who ruled a short but wonderful rein.

Isabelle made her way towards the rocky cliff that leaned over the market. Some kind of palace structure was carved into the wall, and I marveled at its intricate pillars. I followed closely to Isabelle as she made her way easily through the crowd and towards the mountain. I smiled and waved at people, still wondering if I'd gone insane. I'd heard stories of this place and it's village of scavengers. But I'd always thought that scavengers were lone wolves... I made a mental to speak with Isabelle when I got the chance.

Isabelle got to the large entrance of the palace and nodded to the guards. They stared at her, so stunned that they let her pass.

I grabbed onto the top of Ellie's tail to keep from getting lost, and she allowed it. We slunk through huge rooms towards a large pair of doors that I guessed lead to the throne room.

Isabelle, still with that scary and determined look still glistening in her eye, shouldered the doors open.

Our arrival caused a stunned silence as the occupants of the room ceased all talk. It was a spacy room with a ton of windows looking out over the city beneath us. In the middle of the room sat the throne... but it was carved out of the the wall... hundreds of detailed patterns lining the side. A slim and handsome young man lounged in the chair. He looked up, recognised Isabelle and his smirk disappeared.

"Ah... the legend returns." He growled.

Isabelle spread her arms and bowed deeply. "Your honor."

They stared at each other.... neither daring to look away or change their mind.

It seemed like the entire battle that Isabelle had to fight was being fought right here. Turning a staring contest.

The king suddenly took a deep breath and spoke. "Welcome home, Isabelle."

"That's queen Isabelle." She smiled, the terrible glint in her eye widening. "I am in your debt, I cannot express how grateful I am to you for watching my kingdom for me."

His eyes darted around, and he laughed nervously. "No... I believe that you have the wrong idea. I am the rightful ruler of this place."

Isabelle clicked her tongue. "Oh dear Sebastian. I think you need to look around... I am a living myth. You are an unpopular king with no followers, facing a war you cannot possibly comprehend."

"Maybe so..." He seemed to grab at the air for support. "But I have an army."

Isabelle glanced where he gestured. A muscular man stood at his side, dressed in light leather armor. He glanced up at the king and stepped forward. Sebastian smirked. "Cease them."

The man walked forward, coming face to face with Isabelle. Then, before the entire court, he knelt before Isabelle. The man kissed two of his own fingers before thrusting them towards Isabelle.

Sebastian stood, his face white as paper. "Galen... this... this is treason."

The man stood and looked at him. "Not if the army isn't at your back. Get out Sebastian."

Sebastian gurgled. "I declare a duel!"

I snorted, and almost everyone turned to me. Isabelle held out her hand and Galen unsheathed his sword, handing it to Isabelle.

Isabelle walked up to Sabastian, putting the blade to his throat. "You can either leave now... or I can kill you. You choose."

With all the dignity he could muster, Sebastian gathered himself and fled. Isabelle handed Galen the sword. "It's good to be back."

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