Chapter 27

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Isabelle pov

The next morning at daybreak, I stood on my balcony, looking out at the people below me. Linet and Galen stood at my side, Linet holding my hand for comfort. I took a deep breath and spoke loudly into the hush.

"People of The City!" I glanced at Linet for reassurance. She nodded. "Today, we march to war. And tomorrow we will fight our enemy! It will not be easy, but it is not impossible, if we persist, we can beat what threatens you! Rebirth's army marched on local communities, and it is not long before they march on our city. This cities army has been preparing for this, and they have trained to become warriors! And tomorrow, we will return to you with victory in our voices!"

For a dreadful moment, the crowd was silent. Then, a roaring cheer met the end of my speech. I took a deep breath and ever so slightly sagged. Galen nudged me, and I straightened, kissing my middle and pointer finger, thrusting them at the air, a salute to the greater good.

I entered my chamber and began towards the throne room. Linet smiled at me, the dark war paint smudged against her eyes. Galen wore the same paint, and so did the whole army. Unlike the communities, The City had actual warriors. Trained in the ways of strategy as well as fighting.

I mounted a horse and reared her towards The City gates. People cheered as we speed by, heading for the base. We began at a gallop, but slowed to a walk as we left the mountain behind. Galen and Linet rode on their own mounts next to me, and Ellie, always faithful, trotted next to me. The poor girl was half dead after I'd run her so hard yesterday. She'd gotten plenty of food, water and rest.

But I didn't have time to think of my loved ones... Except Luke... He was constantly on my mind.

I tried to think about the battle tomorrow, running through the plan again. We would arrive at Rebirth around midnight and then camp out on the hill, burning fires around the city to make our army look bigger. Then, we sabotage the city with small gorilla attacks. After doing that for half the day, we sent the first wave to battle the wall. We send in wave after wave to yet again make us look bigger. Then, hopefully, we'd breach the walls.

My mind drifted from one thought to another, always returning to Luke and how much I wished I hadn't argued with him. He deserved so much more than the sad, little life he had. He deserved more than that... more than me.

When the sun was just beginning to beat on the ground, the base came into view, it's sleek metal walls shimmering in the light. I pointed to it and kicked my mount into a canter. The army gained enthusiasm and we soon found ourselves at the entrance. The army started to set up tents for shade and tying up the horses. I motioned for Galen and Linet to follow me and pressed my hand to the keypad.

The door opened and I entered into the cool ground. They followed me to the main room where Ryson, Baxter and Luke sat waiting for us. They stood when they saw us and Luke walked towards me.

Galen leveled his spear. "How dare you? Kneel before the queen."

Luke curled his lip and pushed the spear aside. Galen flared and drew his sword.

"Enough!" I shouted. "Galen, these are friends who know nothing of our customs. Allow them to show disrespect."

Galen glared at Luke. "As you wish."

I turned to Luke. "The army is outside. We march tomorrow. Do you wish to join us?"

"Don't talk to me like you own me." Luke spat. "We will join you, but only by free will."

My face softened. "Luke..."

He turned away from me, nodding at Baxter. They stood and trotted up the stairs to meet the army.

"Go with them, Galen." I ordered.

Galen protested. "Your majesty-"

"Now." I snapped.

Linet stood in awkward silent before muttering. "I'm going to.. ah, look in the fridge."

Luke watched her go, and when she was out of earshot, turned back to me. "So... you're a queen now?"

He seemed so distant... like he didn't want to associate with me anymore. But as I gazed into his eyes, I saw a pleading smile behind his stone-like manner. I let myself relax and sink onto one of the couches.

"Unfortunately." I mumbled.

A glimmer of his old self came to the surface. "Not much for the royal life?"

"Yeah," I shrugged. "But... I just wanted to apologise for what I said yesterday. It was so stupid for me to act that way."

He chuckled and sat next to me, putting an arm behind my head. "Hey, I don't hold grudges. I'm sorry too."

We sat in a comfortable silent, my head on his shoulder and his arm around me. I couldn't help wondering what it would be like to always have him here... next to me. I'd proclaimed Linet as my second, but really Luke had always been there for me as support.

"I missed you." He whispered.

I glanced up at him. "I missed you too."

He leaned down, bumping our noses. "Sick war paint by the way."

I leaned my forehead to his. "Thanks."

Our lips brushed past each other before connecting in a kiss. He held my face in his hand, while the other wrapped around my back. I smiled against his mouth and planted a hand in his soft brown hair. Why was it so hard for me to admit how much I cared for him? He was so sweet, always there, waiting for me to tell him how I felt. But somehow it was still so difficult.

"I don't deserve you." I whispered against his lips.

He pulled back and gazed at me. "But I want you."

"Luke..." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "Every time I care about someone, they're ripped away from me. I... I don't know if I can deal with that again. But I just can't ignore it anymore, it hurts to look at you without you knowing... how much I love you."

I opened my eyes and saw the tears in his eyes, unshed, but still there. "Oh Isabelle... I already knew, and I feel the same way."

I snuggled up to his chest, letting his rest his chin on my head.

I sighed. "Then kiss me know while we have the chance. For tonight we ride... and survival isn't certain."

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