Enough fighting!

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"Ok. So we need to figure out some way to get out of here" Poppy told the others.

"Way ahead of you" Popcorn commented, "where did you say this moth hole was?" She asked Branch.

"Oh you mean this?" Poppy interrupted pointing at the small hole in the flowers petals.

"Yes!" Popcorn ran to the slit. She paused.

"Pop what is it?" Butterfly asked.

Popcorn facepalmed, "argh!"

"What's wrong Popcorn?" Branch asked.

"We left our stuff outside... didn't we?".

"Oh no... we didn't need it did we?" Sparkles asked.

"No. No not at all. It just was the ONE THING WE NEEDED TO SAVE OUR SORRY BUTTS!". Popcorn crumpled to the ground, "welp. Guess we just sit here till someone else comes up with another idea".

"What?" Poppy asked confused, "we can't just.... give up!".

"Don't waste your time, Poppy. It's over".

Poppy frowned, "But... surely there must be another way".

"Forget it".

"No! There must be a way to get out of this mess".

"We wouldn't even be in this mess if Sparkles hadn't left our stuff outside!".

"Hey don't bring me into this! It was sudden choice of action! I hesitated!".

"It wasn't Sparks fault!" Branch interjected.

"Don't baby her. She's older than you!" Popcorn snapped.

"Woah, Corn. Maybe we should all calm down and think about this" Guy said resting a hand on his girlfriends shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" She pulled away.

The 'team' continued fighting. Throwing words and hateful comments back and forth at each other. Popcorn and Poppy eventually started to get kinda physical but, Branch and Guy Diamond held them back. The fighting was warming up but the second and it felt like the flower monster would kill itself with all the noise they were making.

Unlike everyone else, Butterfly barely said a word. Her face was a tomato and soon enough she started squealing. The others stopped a second to look at her. Shaking, Butterfly quickly stood.

"Uhhhh! That's! IT!!" Butterfly suddenly grabbed the glasses off her face and snapped them in half. The others gasped. She threw a half on the ground and stomped on it. The lens broke and Butterfly grabbed a shard of the glass. They watched her nervously as she shoved the shard into the hole a ran around the edge of the entire flower. When Butterfly got back to the the hole again she stopped.

The flower shook. Everyone tensed as the top of the flower's petals shriveled up and coiled down. The cool night air blew around them. Butterfly panted as she dropped the shard of glass and fell to the floor. She winced and grasped her wrist. Small amounts of blood dripped from her palm.

"Butterfly!" Popcorn cried and ran to her.

Butterfly breaths slowed as she squeezed her hand. Popcorn looked down at her friends palm, "oh Butterfly! Your hand!" She gasped.

"Your glasses too" Poppy held the broken frames up to her face.

"Hey... gotta make... some sacrifices... right?".

"But why?" Popcorn asked.

" I was sick and tired of you guys fighting! Okay! We're a team! Not tow armies".

"That was a very brave thing you did, Butterfly" Sparkles said walking over, "and thank you". Butterfly smiled.

"Now. Let's get you fixed up" Poppy said reaching for Butterfly's bloody hand, "Branch, Guy Diamond, go grab some leaves and vines from the forest. Sparkles, do you have anything in your backpack that could help ease the pain?

"Sure do".

"Great! We'll need that. Popcorn, comfort Butterfly while I go grab something to clean the wound".

Popcorn nodded taking Butterfly's hand in hers, "Are you ok?".

"Yeah" Butterfly grunted, "I'm fine".

"Are you sure?"

"Yep... see"Butterfly held up her hand, "the cuts not... that big". The two stared at the red gash in Butterfly's palm.

"What are you gonna do about your glasses?" Popcorn asked.

"I'll be fine. As long as someone is close to me because I'm nearsighted".

(True fact!)

"Don't worry. I'm here for you" Popcorn said hugging her.

"I got some leaves!" Poppy said returning.

Popcorn backed up and Butterfly held out her hand. She winced as Poppy dabbed at the wound.

"I have some ointment!" Sparkles declared holding a small bottle in her hand.

"Great! Now we just need Branch and GD with the bandages".

"I saw them when I went to get the medicine. They're just by our bags. Not far".

"Good. Sparkles can you apply the ointment to Butterfly's hand?". Sparkles nodded and softly took the pink troll's palm.

"I'm gonna see what's taking the guys so long" Poppy said standing. She stepped off the edge of the dead flower and walked over in the direction where Sparkles had came from. Poppy noticed seven bags huddled on the ground. One was opened and on its side (probably Sparkles).

Poppy could hear the boys voices in the woods in front of her, "hurry up you guys! Butterfly's not getting better any quicker!" She called.

"Ok. Ok. We're hurrying" Branch called back as him and guy stepped out from a bush with piles of debris in their arms.

"Great you guys. Now get that stuff up to Butterfly's hand!". They nodded and ran back to Butterfly and the others, Poppy was right behind them.

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