This is the end

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I wanted to post this tomorrow but my iPods being wonky so I'm publishing it today in case I never see it again...

"I've got him!" Poppy called.
Sparkles lifted Poppy up again.

"Jesus, he's heavy as hell!".
The others ran to help hoist Poppy and Branch up.

"Almost there" Sparkles groaned backing farther away from the cliff. Finally, the two where safe on the ground. Everyone breathed heavily, relieved.

"Is he breathing?" Sparkles asked.
Poppy took his pulse.

"Few....he's alive. Just passed out".

Multiple Sighs of relief sounded through out the group. Thank god.

"Does anyone know cpr" Sparkles asked.

Butterfly stood, "My time has come".

*gives Branch cpr*

Just a quick note I didn't really wanna explain this part cuz...that's some kinky shit and NO! I do not ship my OC with Branch! Just so ya know ;)

Branch's eyes flew open and he took in a gasping breath of air.

"HE LIVES!" Butterfly squealed hugging him, "please don't die on us again".

"Die?!" Branch coughed.

"We thought you were dead" Poppy said.

Branch shifted towards Poppy, Butterfly let go. His arms wrapped around her.

"I thought I lost you" Poppy began crying.

"I'm sorry I ran away. I shouldn't have....huh But hey" Branch lifted Poppy's chin, "I thought of you every step of the way".

Poppy hugged him again, not wanting let go as more tears spilled from her eyes.

"I could never die on you Poppy" Branch said, "I love you and my life isn't complete without you".

"I love you too" Poppy whispered. She took Branch's face in her hands and kissed his lips. It was startling but, he then fell into it.

Butterfly's camera went off once again but, it didn't matter this time. Nothing mattered when the two were with each other.

"Send me a copy of that" Sparkles whispered.

"Really?!" Butterfly asked. She nodded.

Popcorn gasped, "ahem, Branch", the two broke apart, "not to interrupt but..." she pointed to two trolls in the distance.

Branch stared at them. They walked closer and became more clearer in the fog. He recognized them...

"Dad!" Sparkles cried. She ran towards them, Branch followed.

The four exchanged hugs and tears and laughs. His family was all together again and happy. Everyone watched, touched by the sweet moment. Finally, they were all together again.

• • •

When Branch finally came to, he was lying down in a hospital bed, his parents were gone.

"Branch!" Poppy rushed into the room, "Omigosh Branch ur alive!"

"What happened?"

"I'm so glad ur alive! The doctors told me u were out cold" she hugged him.

"Doctors?! What do u mean".

"Oh my goodness! Me and the kids were worried sick!"


"Yes, Branch. Your two daughters. God, did ur coma turn into amnesia?!"


"Wait. What about Sparkles? What about my parents??" Branch asked

"Branch.... ur parents left you 25 years ago... and Sparkles... she turned out to be that drunk that was running around killing children! You really missed a lot while you were out".

"Whatchu writing Butterfly?" Poppy asked walking into the clubhouse.

Butterfly slammed the notebook shut.
"Uhhhh....Nothing". Poppy raised an eyebrow.

"Don't worry just fanfiction".


AHA! Two plot twists!

It's finished! I can't believe it! I've been writing this book since like September... and now it's over.

This was my first ever actual fanfic and I'm so proud of it and myself and I'm so thankful for all the views and love I've gotten! So thank you readers for everything and I hope there will be a sequel to this book in the future!

I love y'all till next time!~Grace❤️

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