Lisa Lee vs Quenchene Lee

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Daniel's Pov

Let's change the tittle for one chap 😂

My Clingy Girlfriend ❤

Hey yall wanna know something?
After spending the whole year with Lisa..

I think i am in love with her ;))

Yeahhh,with my own bestfriend

Lisa Quenchene Lee ;))

I love her from the first time we met at the corridor

That time i actually wonder,

Who's she actually

I wanna ( 갖고 싶어 ❤ )

Know her more

I wanna be friend with her so bad

Then turns out she's my bestfriend now ;)

*This whole chapter is all about Lisa*

Let's the story begin now ;)) [ wink wink ]

" you want to join me to LA?my mom said she miss me..i don't know 😂"
She asked me

It is almost Christmas break

"well,i'll ask mom"


Mom 👩💕

Read✔ 20:00pm

What's it,adeul?

Well,Lisa asked me
To join her to LA
Read✔ 20:03pm

Just agree..duhhh
Your dad and I
Are planning to meet
Lisa's Parents ;))

Read✔ 20:05pm

Well..we need to know
Who's our son's bestfriend's
Parents ;))

They raised her well tho ;))

Okay then!
Lap u Mom!i miss you guy!
Ahhh!are woojinnie gonna
Join us?

He's our son and ur
He'll join us ofcourse!

I am so excited rn!
Can't wait to tell quen..i mean
Lisa About this ;))

Then! We love you too
Tell lisa i miss her too ;))

Kay ;))

"well,my parents are planning to meet ur parents"

"that's great!can't wait until the christmas break!"
She smiles so brightly omgggggg❤

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