Someone else

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Peachydanik 🍉

My clingy boyfriend

Chapter 9 - Someone Else

Lisa Pov
"Lisa?" i heard a familiar voice, but its not Daniel's voice.

"..." so I turned around, searching for the person and guess what?

It's my 'beloved' ex

Cho Seungyoun

As soon as I saw him, my heart skip a beat

"What the actual fxck are you doing here?! " I asked him.

Yep, he's the guy that leave me for no reason and yet now he appeared from nowhere and saying,

"Hi! "
I looked at him in disbelieve,

For fuxk sake what is he doing here? In South Korea?

I mean, he's supposed to be in China now

"i asked you cho seungyoun, why the fuxk are you here?! "

"i'm searching for you... " He looked at me dead in the eyes

"for what? "

"I still love you" he said, without breaking the eye contact

"I am so sorry but what? After all this heartbreaks you gave me? Do you expect me to say I still love you? "

"Quenchene? Who's this? " there come my hero, just about time

"my ex"
I answered him, short but informative

"The guy that leave you? "
Daniel's voice is trembling, i can feel it

"Hun, we are fine.. He's just glad that he see me" I calm my boyfriend down

Sometimes, Daniel can be quite aggressive you know

"so you found new man huh? " Seungyoun still looking at us, with that stupid smile on his face

"as you know seungyoun, I've found someone that worth all the effort that i've gave him.. " simple but deadly.

Can see Seungyoun is furious but who cares?

"better than me? "

"yes... "

"...and you should too, bud" I smile

"we have to leave now, bye for now Seungyoun" I leave him with daniel beside me

"That guy really need a punch in his face" Daniel said in low voice

"no no Hun, he's a good guy actually"

"...just somehow, he's hard to understand, his action and his mind doesn't work together in way we hoped it be"

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