Jealousy ( 1/2 )

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My Clingy Boyfriend ❤

It's me Daniel Kang ;)

Let's just moved to the story now lol ;))

Well,this part of story is a bit .. Conflict ;))

Lisa's Pov

Today is our first day in University..
We decided to attend the same University but in different course..sometime our scedule do crash,so we did bump each other

Me myself choose Medical as main course..
Daniel's choice was Music so we gonna studies totally different thing 😌

It's hard actually,when you two studies a different thing,with different scedule

Sometimes you can't even see each other very often :'((

It makes both of us sad..

We can't cuddle as often as before

I want him to hug me like he usually do

Well,honestly..i miss My Clingy Boyfriend..

The guy who always whines and begged at me to not leaves when he's eating,when he's watching his favourite show

And come to my room just to cuddle in middle of night

Well i miss his scent :'(((

I miss my Kang Daniel

I miss my Euigeon 😢

Now,he's busy with his assignments

He came home late..

We don't even bump each other in the morning,

His class are usually on the evening,and my class end in the evening

It's like we take turns to come home,

I almost forget how he's actually smell..

I lost my body weight..

From 46kg to 43kg :')

Daniel's pov

I can clearly hear lisa's crying sometimes,

It breaks my heart to hear she cry :((((((

She's losing weight too..

She looks so skinny now :(

I am worried about her but i can't do a single thing because of this fucking class scedules

Well..i miss my quenchene so much :(((

I wish i could hug her again,

Nowaday,we rarely could see each other,

Even in the morning i can't see her smile

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