chapter 5: she isn't mine

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"And yeah, that was how everything ended. She told me to fuck off." Christina presses her lips together. She had unblocked Corbyn and they were both in good terms with each other.

Jack's mission was accomplished so he went back to his room. Corbyn on the other hand, was sitting on the edge of his bed listening to Christina's every word through the phone.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry about this." Corbyn brushes his hands through his hair.

"It's fine. Just next time, warn me that you have a psycho girlfriend." She says and Corbyn chuckles. He sighs in relief. They were finally on 'good' terms.

"Let me make it up to you then. Why don't you come over?" He suggests. Christina scratches her head.

"Uhh, sorry. I've got a couple of videos I need to edit." She lies. She was snuggled up in her bed, watching Netflix. Although she did feel attracted to Corbyn, even in the slightest bit, she didn't want to do anything with him as Megan's threat was still in her mind.

"Oh, okay." He sighs. "How about tomorrow at your apartment?" He suggests again.

"Err I don't know, Corbyn. Your girlfriend won't be too happy about that." She laughs.

He groans at the word 'girlfriend'. "Well, you can ask me a few more questions about the band so technically, I'm there for work."

"Umm..." She scratches her head.

"Please, Christina?" He pleads.

"Fine." She reluctantly agrees. "But only for work, okay?"

"Yeap!" Corbyn smiles, gleefully. "See you tomorrow, then."

"See you." She replies, putting the phone down. "What have I got myself into?" She mutters to herself.

Christina's POV
The Next Morning

corbyn 😇
good morning, christina!
we're meeting today, right?
what time? :)

yeap, 11am?

corbyn 😇
sure! see ya :)

I sigh and place my phone down. I felt a little nervous about him coming over because I've never had a guy over in my apartment. I just hope that his psycho girlfriend doesn't find out. If not, I'm dead.

I arranged everything neatly around my apartment and sat down to wait for him.

It's just so hard to wrap my head around my feelings. Do I like Corbyn? Yes. Do I have a chance with him? Definitely not. So why do I even try?

At that moment, the doorbell rings. I take a deep breath and open the door.

"Christina!" He shouts, opening his arms.

To my surprise, he was holding a bouquet of roses in his hands. What the hell? Roses?

"Hey." I reply, still glaring at the flowers.

"Oh yeah, I got this for you." He hands it to me and smiles. There's no way I can reject that perfect smile. I take it and return a smile back.

"Come in." I say, opening the door wider for him. He sets his coat down and looks around my apartment. "Why the roses?" I ask, chuckling.

"Um, housewarming gift?" He jokes. "I mean, I can't come here empty-handed, right?" He states, sitting on my couch.

I sit next to him, a few metres apart but he moves a little closer. He looked so perfect today, with his blonde hair styled in a quiff, and his blue eyes that I just wanted to stare at forever. It's so hard to not fall for him.

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