chapter 12: hypnotized

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Before I could even think about what I was going to do, I remembered what Angi had told me.

"Angi told me that if you came, I'd have to slam the door in your face." I rush through my sentence in panic. "So, BAM!" I shout, attempting to slam the door but he stands in the doorway and blocks it. My heart starts to race even faster. I was NOT prepared for this at all. What the fuck am I going to do?

"Christina, I need to talk to you." He pleads, still standing in the middle of my doorway. I couldn't look at him. His eyes would give in. They were too beautiful to reject so I tried hard to avoid eye contact.

"No." I stood my ground. "All you've done is put me into this mess. All because of that ONE interview, my life is messed up. I can't even do what I enjoy anymore. My friend is looking out for me. I can't even walk out of my apartment without the feeling of being threatened. You know...I'm j-just done!" I rush through my sentence like a bullet. My mind was so distraught, I couldn't think straight and just said whatever came in my mind.

"I know, Christina. I understand but you have to let me explain." He places his shoulders my hands and chills went down my spine.

I pushed his hand away. "I can't. You can't fix this mess!" I shout, feeling my red cheeks.

"Christina, please look at me." I finally look up to his mesmerising, blue, starry eyes. I paused. It felt as though I was being hypnotised by Corbyn all over again. He stares deep into my eyes. "Trust me, Christina. Please."

I shut my eyes. "I want to." I cry, feeling tears roll down my cheeks. My arms dropped as he overpowered me and slid himself through the door. "But I just can't." I had to give in to his eyes. The eyes I fell in love with.

"Why?" He wipes the tears from my cheeks and holds both of my hands.

"Because...because I'm afraid." I admit, my feelings getting the best of me. "I'm afraid to be hurt again. I never wanted this to happen and for the first time, I want to put my feelings first before others because...I've been hurt too many times, Corbyn. And it's painful." He pulls me into his chest as I start breaking down. "I just want this to end." I cry into his shoulder.

"It's okay. I know how it feels. I'm here with you." He comforts me by stroking my hair. "Christina, I'll always be here with you.

10 Minutes Later

We shifted to my couch and I broke down, crying out all of my feelings to Corbyn. Even after everything I said about him, he stayed and listened.

"And you were such a fucking asshole to just come back and pretend like as if nothing happened." I said, expressing my feelings. He presses his lips together when I said 'asshole'. But still, he did not fight back or defend himself. He just took it all in. "I don't get it." I squint my eyes. "Why aren't you fighting back?"

"Because some of it is true. I mean, I may not be a total jackass but I did hurt you. And I don't want to hurt you again." He rubs the palm of my hands.

I sigh. "You know, whatever I said earlier...I didn't mean most of them. I'm sorry for what I said."

"It's okay." He smiles, stroking my hair. "So, tell me what Megan did again?"

I roll my eyes. "She just trashed my apartment door." I say, searching for the photo on my phone. "See?" I say, showing him the photo I took the day it happened.

"I'm so going to beat her up." His eyes widen.

"No, stop. I don't want to think about her anymore. Besides, isn't she your 'girlfriend'?" I air-quote girlfriend and he laughs.

"Not anymore." He grins.

"What? I thought you said you guys were part of a contract or something?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

He chuckles. "You're so cute when you're confused." He pecks me on the lips.

I was so confuse to even kiss him back. Did he make up that whole story about the contract and everything or did he actually date Megan?

"Come on." He stands up, holding out his hand. "Let's go for a walk and I'll explain everything."


"Then she threatened me saying that she would hurt you if I broke up with her." Corbyn explains. Wow, Megan really is a psycho girlfriend.

"I feel really sorry for you. You had to go through all this." I look at him.

He smiles. "Well, it all ended well though. Here I am, walking with the prettiest girl next to me." He says. We both blush and I squeeze his hand.

Suddenly, he stops on his path and looks around. "Follow me." He says, taking my hand inside a building and to the stairwell.

"Where are we going?" I ask, already getting exhausted from the stair-climbing.

"Wait and see." He smirks, pausing in front of a brown, rusty door. "Ready?"

I nod, afraid of what might jump out. Instead, it was the door to the rooftop. "Woah!" I exclaim. The sky was really pretty today with the stars. I glanced at Corbyn, whose eyes blinked with the stars.

"Really pretty, right?" He asks, taking me to the ledge. I nod, still in shock. We sit on the edge of the rooftop, with our legs dangling above the road. "Do you remember this place?" He asks.

I look around. It was just a random building with a rooftop.

He chuckles. "This was the building where we first met. Remember? The interview?"

"Ohhh yeah!" I exclaim. "That felt like a long time ago."

"Yeah." He replies, staring at me.

"What?" I blush, turning away.

"Nothing." He smiles, wrapping his arms around me.

"Remember that first time you came to my apartment?" I ask and he nods. "Did you mean what you said?"

"Mean what?" He raises his eyebrows.

"I told you I liked you. You said you did too." I state and he instantly bites his lips. "Did you mean it?"

He takes a deep breath. "I liked you ever since I saw you. But it's not like 'I have a crush on you' kind of like. It's more than that." He says. "But yes, I did mean what I said. Did you mean what you said?"

I sigh in the inside. I wasn't prepared to answer that, why did I ask that question?

"Yeah I don't know I just didn't know how to tell you and I knew you had a girlfriend and all but it was hard to tell because you were being really nice and friendly and you just looked so perfect but I knew we were never gonna end up together anyways because Megan is drop dead gorgeous and it was so hard for me to confess because I thought you didn't feel the same way but you confessed and I was confused but happy so I didn't really know what-"

Before I could finish my sentence, he crashed his lips into mine. I was shocked for a second, but I close my eyes and kissed him back.

We pull apart and he smiles. "Christina Marie, I love you." He strokes my hand. "And I've been wanting to ask you this for awhile."

He glances at the view and then back at me.

"Will you be mine?"


[a/n]: Hello! I owe all of you a 1000 apologies for not updating sooner. I'm currently having my IGCSE Exams and it is not over until June so I've been really busy studying! But yesterday, I received a message from a lovely person who told me they enjoyed this book which really inspired me to post more. I promise I'll be more active after my exams but for now, here it goes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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