Escape From The Mall

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Slight gore warning, people!  Nothing too bad, just a bit of blood, but I thought I'd still put this here anyway!

Anyway, Enjoy!

As I silently dropped down into the next bathroom, I listened for any sign of wiener dogs, especially another scout.  Asdf plopped down from the vent, causing a loud thump, making me jump so high I could've gotten back into the vent if I'd wanted to.

"Holy banana farts!" I said, "Don't do that to me, Asdf!"  Asdf simply flicked my leg with her tail in response, then sat down and began to lick her paw.

I rolled my eyes then yelled up toward the vent, "It's alright!  You can come down now!"

In hindsight, I really should've moved out from underneath the actual vent before I said that.  After I managed to get out from underneath Uiop and Nugget, I stood up, trying to collect what was left of my nerves and my pride.  I glanced over at a dirty mirror, then did a double take.  I couldn't even recognize myself.  I looked thinner than a sickly toothpick, I was covered with dirt everywhere, and my hair was matted into knots.  My clothes were disgusting, and the bags under my eyes were so dark they looked like movie makeup, like they couldn't have happened naturally.

"Qwerty!" Uiop said, pulling me back into reality.  I looked over at her, only just seeing how exhausted she really was.  I mentally kicked myself for not noticing it sooner, and promised myself to make it up to her later.

"What?" I said, still slightly lost in thought.

"Remember why we came over here?" she said, "Ya know, the whole escaping thing?  Unless, of course, you'd rather stay here?"

"Oh, right," I said.  I quickly made sure that my tennis ball gun was loaded, then looking up.  "Right, lets-"

"-Ahem," Nugget said, looking at us both, "Nugget thinkth Nugget should have a weapon too."

Me and Uiop looked at each other, then I looked back at Nugget.  "Could you even handle a weapon, Nugget?  I mean, no offense, but aren't you a little young to be carrying around an item of mass destruction?"

Nugget humphed, crossing his arms.  "Nugget can handle a weapon as good as either of you."

I looked at Uiop again, then sighed.  "Give him a weapon, Uiop."

Uiop looked at me, dumbfounded, "What!?  He's just a kid, Qwerty!  Besides, what if he stabs us in the back?  What if he-"

"-Nugget's right here, ya know," Nugget said indignantly, "And Nugget bets that you're only ten!  At most!"

"Why you little-"

"Stop, both of you!" I said, "You two can fight all you like once we're all out of here, but for now we have to work together if we're gonna survive this."

Uiop protested, "But-"

"Give him a weapon NOW, Uiop!  I won't ask again!"

The room was dead silent.  Uiop looked at me, shock written all over her face.  The shock turned to hurt, and Uiop averted her eyes.

"Fine," she muttered, taking off her backpack, "But don't say I-"

"-Enough," I said sternly.

Uiop gave me one final glare, then shoved the backpack to Nugget.  "Take your pick, kid," she muttered reluctantly.

At first Nugget stood there, regarding me and Uiop with surprise.  He blinked, shaking his head slightly, and started looking through the backpack.  After a few minutes of deliberation, he selected a slingshot, pulling a sash of potential ammo over his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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