The Other Reality (skylox book 2)

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So ya, this is Book 2 of Escaping Reality just like you guys asked! Thank you so much for the support! Luv you all!

*Sarah's POV*

I woke up on a hard surface, I looked down and I saw grass. I got myself up and I noticed that everything was suddenly turned into blocks. Well shit I thought. I looked all around for a tree that I could chop down. As I looked for one I saw another player. I could see the name tag above his head, Jamester1202. "Hey!" I yelled, his head turned towards me. He said nothing but something popped up in the chat. "Hey, are you who I think you are?" he asked. "Well depends, who do you think I am?" The message popped in the chat. He sprinted towards me. "Yes you are!" he said in the chat. I looked at him confused, but he had no expression on his face. Was he the master at Poker Facing? "Who am I?" I asked, again the message popped in the chat. "SARAHGOLD I WATCH YOUR VIDEOS EVERYDAY!!!" he yelled in the chat. I smiled, "Well that's awesome! A fellow fan!" I said. He paused for a moment, then his minecraft player's mouth started to move. "WHAT THE HELL?!" he yelled, this time I could hear his voice. He stared at his hands, well nubs and then looked up at me. "DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" he yelled. I shook my head, "N-no I would never!". I checked my inventory to see if I had any food. Nothing, my hunger was getting low. "Hey have any food?" I asked. "Well I have some back at my shelter, come with me." he said while walking away from me. I walked with him. "So what's your name?" I asked. "Look up it'll give you a hint." he said while pointing above his head. "Oh, James I'm guessing?" "Yup, got it." he said while smiling. I smiled back, "Do you know how we got here?" I asked. "Your answer is as good as mine, I've got nothing." he said. All of the sudden I heard a faint sound, I couldn't tell what it was but it was there. I looked over my shoulder, I saw a name coming towards us, it read Darclight139. "Shit, we'd better go!" he said while grabbing my arm and running. "HEY NOT TOO FAST!!!" I yelled. Then I realized who was behind the player, I started to run as fast as he was. We reached a cobblestone road, "We're almost there." He said. I looked behind me, he was still charging at us. "LOOK OUT!!" James yelled before everything went black.

*Adam's POV*

"Sarah is gone..." I said to Ty who was still in bed at the time. "WHAT?!" he yelled. "Just calm down! She can't too be far." I said to calm him down. I pulled him out of bed and he laid on the ground for a while, until I punched him in the arm. "YOU TOOK HALF A HEART FROM ME!" he yelled. "Its only half a heart, it'll regenerate soon." I said. He rolled his eyes and pushed me out. The house looked the same other than all the blocks. It felt weird, I mean being a world suspended by blocks.

Ty ran down the stairs and nearly fell. "So did you get armor, weapons, food, anything?" he asked. I shook my head, "I just figured out that we were in fucking minecraft.". "Well them we'd better stack up for what's about to come." he said. "I want butter swords and armor." I said quietly with a laugh. He laughed back, "Sure Adam.". I ran outside and it was raining. "Well shit." I said to myself. It was too late to turn back, I was soaking wet. We had to find Sarah in this too, so I was screwed from the start. Damnit this sucks. Ty ran outside without realizing the rain. "AW SHIT!" He yelled. I couldn't help but laugh my ass off. He pushed me into a puddle, I kept on laughing. "You're like Bodil, you can't stop laughing!" he joked. I laughed harder, this time Ty laughed with me. "Just like Jerome said, if you can't find Bodil he'll make a trail of giggles." I said, grasping for air from my other laughs. Ty held out his hand to help me up. I gladly grabbed it and pulled myself up. Once I was up I pulled him in for a kiss. "You know that I love you right?" I whispered. Then I kissed him. We pulled back, "Yes, I know." Ty said with a smile. I held his hand as walked to find Sarah.

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