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*Ty's POV*

Darkness, all I see is darkness. Where the hell am I? I try to move, but I'm stiff. All I can do is move my eyes, to look around. I try to find any trace of anything, but nothing prevails. I feel weak, I can't even move. What the hell is wrong with me? I look around one more time to see if anything is there. I squint my eyes to see a light. It enlarges as every second passes. Soon the light is almost blinding, I quickly shut my eyes so I don't get blind.

When I open my eyes again, I'm back in reality. I feel the light press of the bed against my back, and the weight of the cool cover above me. Confused, I rise up from my bed and make my way to Adam's room, thinking he's in there as well. I lightly knock on the door. No response. "Adam?" I ask quietly. No response. Scared, I fling the door open. He was nowhere to be in sight. My lip started quivering, water seeping through my eyes. Then I heard a light tapping noise from behind me. I quickly turn to see if it was Adam, probably played a prank on me. Instead of Adam, I see Sarah. I walk up to her and hug her. I pull back and get on one knee and look up at her to get her attention. "What's up Ty?" she asked, totally confused. "Have you seen Adam at any time today?" I asked. "I'm sorry, but you're probably still living your dream at the moment Ty." she lightly giggled. "No, I'm serious. Have you seen him at all?" I asked, concern in my voice. "I've never met an Adam in my life. Ty, you must've imagined him in your dream." She smiled as she walked down the stairs. No, this can't be true. I thought to myself. "Sarah, he's your other father." I stopped her. "Wait, I didn't know you were gay." she said. "No, that's besides the point! You should know who he is!" "Well, I don't because he doesn't exsist!" "This might ring a bell, Skydoesminecraft." "No clue. And if you're trying to scare me, you're doing a pretty good job." "I'm not trying to scare you. I'm telling you the truth." I said, calmer than before. "Ty, this 'Adam' is just a figure of your dreams. There's nobody that we know named Adam, and nor is he my other father. I'm sorry, but that's the truth." I couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth. "You have to believe me! He's real, he truly is real! We were all together, stuck in Minecraft!" I yelled. She turned back and came back up the stairs. "Ty! He's not real! You can ask everyone you know, and they would agree with me. You're my only parent and that's that! I don't have another dad. I only have you. We weren't stuck in a game, and we'll never be! Now, please stop living in your dream and I'll make breakfast." she explained. "N-no, I'll hold off of the breakfast." I said quietly as I walked slowly to my room. She said something but I couldn't hear it correctly. A tear rolled down my cheek, would I have to live this way for the rest of my life? Did we really go into the game? What happened in there that made Adam seize to exsist? I pondered a little more in my head. What the hell happened in there? I want Adam back...I need him back...NOW!!!

I woke up screaming and in a cold sweat. "Oh my god! Ty what happened?!" Sarah yelled. Tears rolled down my face just thinking about the dream. "I'd rather not talk about it..." I said, trying not to stammer. "Ok, I understand." she responded. I tried to get up but then quickly went back to the ground in pain. "Shit...what happened while I was asleep?" I said while clutching my chest. Sarah looked towards Nathan, who was asleep, then looked back at me. She sighed and then talked. "A while ago, we were on our way to get out of here. I had a vision, it was of a force field of some sort, and a figure going towards it, then suddenly flinging across the room from running towards the force field. Once the vision was over, I noticed that you were the closest to the entrance. You were flung away from it and completely unconscious." she said quietly, I guess trying not to wake up Nathan. "How am I still alive?" I asked totally confused. "I healed you, it really comes in handy." she said while smirking. "I would agree. So I guess we're stuck here until somebody comes to get us?". She shrugged, "I guess so, and so we wait..."

*Adam's POV*

I have to wait until I can leave...or, I can wake someone up and tell them to stay awake while I go check something out. Yea, that'll do. I got up from the fire and walked to Mitch, he's pretty good at PvP so I bet if anything comes here, he'll be able to take care of it. I went over to Mitch, who was sleeping next to Jerome, which isn't a problem. Just it should be expected. "Mitch, I need for you to be up for something. Come on, wake up!" I said quietly as I shook him awake. "Ugh...what is it?" he groaned. "I need you to stay up and watch after the camp." "Why?" "I saw something over there, I'm going to go check it out." "Then I should go with you. It'll be dangerous if you went alone." "No, I just can't take any chances of you getting hurt, and for your family getting hurt from the cause." "Well Adam, there's chances that we need to take, even if it means our lives. I'm going with you." he said as he went towards Jerome. "Jerome...wake up." he whispered to him. "Hm?" Jerome groaned as he rubbed his eyes. "Adam and I are going to go check out something, can you guard the camp?" Mitch said cheerfully. "Yea...just yell if you need help." Jerome groaned as he slowly sat up. "Alright, thanks buddy." Mitch said with a smile as he went over to me. "You ready?"

I nodded and walked to the darkness that lay infront of us. I looked left and right, just in case if there were any mobs just waiting to attack us. "You ok Adam?" I heard Mitch say from the side of me. "Yea, I'm peachy." I said with a tired groan. I haven't really slept, you know, being that my family was taken away from me. "I can't see a thing in this darkness, can you?" Mitch whispered. "Nope, got any torches?" I asked. "...No...I can't find any in my inventory. How about you?" I checked through my inventory. Damn, not even one. "No, I'm afraid not." I responded with a shrug. "Do you have any idea of how we can see in the dark?" he asked. "Nope..." "Wait, what about your eyes? Can they emit light?" "Oh no, there's no way I'm taking off my glasses." "Well, it's the only way we're going to see. You need to." He said while shrugging. Damn, I'm going to have to do this. It'll help me find them.

I let out a deep sigh and moved my hand slowly towards my sunglasses. I took them off slowly and opened my eyes. "That's moe than enough light. Thanks." "No problem, hope you don't mind me blinking now and then." I joked. "Don't mind at all, just don't blink when we're fighting mobs." He joked back. "Whatever." "Now you sound like your teenage daughter." he said followed by a laugh. I just ignored him until we got to the towering castle. "Wait...why are we here? We're going here tomorrow remember?" Mitch said in worry. "It's near dawn already. They'll be coming soon." I responded. "Then why are we here?" "I couldn't bare it anymore. I needed them in my grasp. Especially Ty, I just need them back." "Don't you think I felt the same way when I was alone, with absolutley nobody to comfort me or to say that I was going to find my family? I completely understand that you're hurt that your family is gone, but I went through it too. Like you said a while ago, if we went in there without rest, and to add on to that, no one to help us while we're fighting, then we'll surely be dead, and we would've doomed the world. We'll sleep here for the rest of the night. Then we'll fight." he pointed out, his voice raising a bit. "Fine...we'll sleep here for the night. Surely in the morning, the others will be here." I said as I laid down in the damp grass below me. I slightly closed my eyes, but then quickly opened them from a faint scream, not far from here. My head shot up, "Did you hear that Mitch?" "Hear what?" "A scream. Do you think that there's other people on this server?" "No, I wouldn't think that. Besides, you told me that it's impossible for others to be here, remember?" Mitch said, I could tell that he was tired. "True...but who could it be?" I asked. He shrugged, "Maybe it could be someone that was summoned...maybe by Herobrine. Or that hybrid that you described when Sarah told you about her dream.". I shivered, it was fucking cold, and to add on to that, I was sleeping on damp grass. "Maybe, let's worry about it in the morning." I groaned. "Alright, just saying it might be important if you want to check it out. It could be a mob attack." he assured. "Fine, let's go check it out. But if we get caught by Herobrine, I'm blaming it on you." I joked as I got up.

We walked for a bit until we saw a dim light, coming from I guess a barred window of some sort. "Do you see that?" I asked Mitch, who was staring at the source. "Yea...come on." he said before sprinting. I started doing the same. As soon as we got there, we could hear slight whispers, that honestly sounded familiar. "Can you hear anything that they're saying?" I whispered. "I have no slightest clue." he whispered back. "I have an idea." I whispered as I slowly levitated up to the window. "...and so we wait..." is all I could make out of the quiet murmurs. I could tell the voice was from a girl. "What do you hear?" Mitch asked. I slowly went back to the ground, "A girl, she said something about waiting for someone." Mitch shrugged, "Do you think it's anyone we know?". My eyes widened, it possibly could be someone we know. "We need to get into there."

(A/N Hey Goldeens, sorry that this was a little late but yea! >.< UGH THE CLIFFHANGERS ARE STRONG IN THIS BOOK!!! Vote if you get that reference. Anyways, how's life for you guys? Post in the comments about your day. I'm peachy. >.< so tired. But anyways guys, thanks for reading and hopefully I'll update sooner or later, but for now, Stay Gold ;) )

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