You're Back!

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*Audrey's POV*

We were walking when I heard somebody call my name. I quickly turned around to see that Mitch was running to me. My eyes widened, my mouth suddenly dropped to the ground. I walked away from the others and ran to Mitch, like I haven't seen him in years. We reached each other and he pulled me in for a hug. Tears streamed down my face, I thought he was gone. "I'm glad that I found you." he said, in between tears. I hugged him tighter, I didn't want to let go. Soon the others caught up, same for Adam, James, Mandi, and someone else that I didn't reconize. "Seto, how are you here? Same for your kids." Adam asked, confused. "I have to tell you something. You guys are just asleep, that's all. It really hasn't been days in reality, just hours. Don't let this world mess with you. Once we're finished here with whatever we're doing, then you'll end up back in reality. Oh, and to answer your question. We used your portal to come on this server." Seto exclaimed. "R-really? We're just asleep, s-so if we die here, we'll end back up in reality?" Adam continued. Seto shrugged, "I don't know about that, let's try not to take any chances please.". Adam nodded, as did the others.


We were walking, trying to find Jerome, Sarah, and Ty. Mitch and Adam both seemed pretty worried. I can only imagine, don't get me wrong! I'm worried for all of them, especially Jerome. He's my dad, of course I'd be worried most about him. On the other hand, Sarah was like a sister to me. Ugh, never mind. It was quiet, we walked for so long without saying a word. It felt so awkward. I didn't want to break the silence, and at the same time I did. Too complicated for me.

The sky darkened as time passed, that's anything but good. Mobs would spawn, and it would leave us to our own defense. I figured out that the guy that I didn't reconize was John, so all of us except for two of us have powers. Mandi and James, they don't have powers. Well that's what I know anyways. Speaking of Mandi and James, they seem to be attracked to each other. (*cough* #Jandi *cough*) O.O Way off topic.

I heard the zombies start to growl. "Damnit, get ready to take defense." Seto whispered. I pulled out my iron sword that Mitch gave to me, and took a ready stance. I walked slowly with the others. The growl started to grow louder and louder. I was shivering at this point, since I came through the portal I'd be teleported back to Sarah's house, for Adam, James, Mandi, John, and Mitch, they would be dead. For good. The thought just made me shake. God, I hope everyone is ok.

Suddenly, an arrow wizzed past me. I fell to the ground in shock. "DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT?!" I yelled. Alec hushed me as he ran towards one of the mobs. "Are you going to help me?!" Alec yelled. I helped myself up and ran towards another mob. I look to my side to see Adam using telekinesis to throw the mobs away from him and the others. John, was electrocuting them, they would either fall to ash, or just fall to the ground. I don't know about the others, but right now I had to pay attention to me. Swing after swing, the mobs fell down. A pool of blood ran out from the zombies. I cringed as they fell to the ground, I never been this violent in my life before. I guess that's a good thing after all. "Guys, guys, GUYS!!!!" I heard Mandi scream. I stabbed one more zombie then quickly turned around to see Mandi pinned against a tree with a creeper blocking her way.

"MANDI! HOLD ON!!!" I yelled as I ran over to her. I slashed through all the mobs that blocked my way, I got closer and closer to Mandi, but once I got over to her, I saw something that I would never forget.

Her eyes turned from a golden color to a dark blood red. Fangs grew from her mouth, she gaped it open and was about to attack. She hissed back to the creeper and pounced on it, shredding it into pieces. She got up slowly and turned to me, her eyes turning normal. Her fangs retracted from the rage she was in. I couldn't say anything, I couldn't move. So I just stood there, in complete shock. "A-Audrey...are you ok?" she asked. "T-That...was...AWESOME!!!!" I yelled. She looked at me with a confused face. "How come you didn't tell me this earlier?!" I asked completely amazed. "I didn't think you would consider me a friend, even a human being at the thought..." her voice trailed off as she looked towards the ground. "Do you guys think you could help us?!" Adam yelled as he fought off a skeleton. I threw fireballs at all the mobs, why didn't I do that earlier? "Would that help?" I said sarcasticly. "Yea, whatever." John said back with a laugh. "I missed your sarcasm." Mitch said as he gave me a hug. "So we have another awesome power defender. That's great!" I smiled. "Yup, are you proud of me now mom?!" Mandi said followed by a giggle. Everybody laughed back.

"Well do you think now would be a great time to set up camp?" Seto exclaimed. I nodded and started to help. Once we set it up I quickly fell asleep. Today was exhausting.

*Ty's POV* (don't ask)

"Ok, one more time, I know you can do it." I said while Sarah was trying to use telekinesis on the iron bars that held us in our cell. "I-I don't think this is going to work..." Sarah panted. I never knew it would be this hard to get out. "Come on, I can try to help." I said as I came over to her. "How?" she asked confused. "I didn't want to cause much attention, but maybe I can heat it up a bit and it'll loosen up." I said while producing heat. She nodded and took a step back. I placed my hand on one of the bars and focused on heat. I could feel the iron heating up, it felt softer as I produced more heat. "Ow!" I whispered as I was shaking my hand in pain. "Here, let me help you with that." Sarah said as she walked up to me. She placed her hand on my burnt one and started to heal it. She let go and I took a glance at my hand. It didn't burn anymore. "Thanks." I said while hugging her. "No problem, but right now let me try to let us escape." she whispered. I let go and took a step back so she could get past me. She inhaled then exhaled, then she paused. "Are you sure about this?" she whispered in fear. "Yes, why do you ask?" I said confused. "I feel that something is going to back fire on us." "Like?" "A trap, like a red stone trap. Maybe a mod was installed before we got here, and it'll trigger something that would hurt us. Or worse, kill us." She said worried. "Trust me, there isn't anything there." I said reassuring myself. "Ty! I seriously can vision things, I can't tell that there's something there." She yelled. I took a few steps back, I could tell that she was getting agroed. She breathed in and out and collapsed on to the ground, crying. "I-I just want to get out of here." She cried. I walked over to her and hugged her for comfort. "I know...I know..."

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