Chapter Three

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On an ordinary day our house is a hive of activity. Well what do you expect in a household of two adults and five kids. When you cram six more adults and another kid in the mix it becomes it becomes a huge mess.

I loved being part of a big family and I loved being a big brother to Peyton, Calista and Hunter. Technically Josh was the oldest having been born 16 minutes early than me. He didn't act like it though. Especially now when we were sitting at the dinner table.

Us kids had our own table in the kitchen while the adults sat in the dining room. Josh had insisted on sitting on the other side of Maddy much to the annoyance of Peyton who was attempting to take the seat. I could see the slightest hint of a blush on Maddy's cheeks over the attention Josh was paying to her. I wished I had his confidence. He was chatting away about surfing and stuff while I sat there quietly eating my food. Every time she attempted to engage with me, Josh would distract her again ensuring that her attention would be focused back on him. After the fifth attempt I excused myself and headed over to the living room where Pop was sitting.

"Jacob my boy. Come and sit with your old Pop here." He gestured at the seat next to him. I climbed up and gave him a hug.

"Everything ok Jacob. You seem a bit down tonight."

I loved Pop with all my heart. I knew he'd understand.

"Everybody in this family is perfect. I'm not good at writing like Mum. I'm not good at surfing like Dad. I'm just me. The only person who liked me for me is Maddy and now Josh wants to take her away from me. It's not fair."

I felt the tears rolling down my face. I didn't even attempt to hide them.

"Jacob. You are perfect to me. You have such a big heart. You love wholly. That's a wonderful quality to have. You know where you get that from. Me. You care for your family deeply just like I care for your Nan and your Mum and you."

"But why does Josh always get everything. It's not fair."

"That's cause Josh is more vocal than you. Always has been. He just sees what he wants and uses his voice to get it. Doesn't mean he's better than you. Just different and that's ok. Even though you look the same doesn't mean you have to be the same."

He gave me a strong hug. It was like I was a little kid again. He always made me safe. He pulled back and winced his face a little.

"Pop. Are you ok. You look like you're in pain."

"Just a bit of overindulgence I think. When it comes to your Mum's cooking I can't help myself. How about you come back with me to the dining room. I'm sure the others will be glad of the company."

He got up and led the way. Some of my most favourite people were here. Of course there were my parents and Nan. Despite her age, Nan still looked very beautiful. Then there was Kai and Ronnie. Secretly I thought he was so cool with his massive dragon tattoo. Dad had sat us down once saying under no circumstances were we allowed to go and get one without permission. When Josh pointed out that Dad himself had one he said that was different cause he was a adult and that it was Mum's name. Sometimes I couldn't wait to grow up. Being an adult seemed so cool. I glanced at Ronnie and I could easily see where Maddy got her looks from. Blushing, I quickly focused my attention elsewhere. There was Brandon and Izzy. Best babysitters in the whole world. I loved having Brandon as my English teacher at school. Kids at school found him strict but I knew the real Brandon. The one who sang me songs and told me stories about his time in Asia. He was the teacher advisor for the photography club at school. He was always asked me to join in but I was too shy. The truth was I liked taking photos but I kept them hidden. I didn't want people to judge me or say they weren't good enough. Izzy's swollen belly looked ready to burst although I knew that she still had a month to go. She was expecting twins. No surprise there. Twins seemed to be the common theme around here.

"Hey Munchkin. Come and sit here next to me." Brandon affectionately called me to join him. When I had entered the room, Dad and Kai were having a mild argument. I sat down pretending not to listen but in reality I was listening to every word.

"Zac I can't say I'm happy that your Josh wants to take my Maddy out. You know I love him like a son but come on. We were teenage boys once."

"Mate I hear what you're saying but Josh isn't like that. I know he can be full on sometimes but his intentions are honourable."

Kai looked over in my direction.

"Now if it was Jacob I wouldn't mind. You'd know how to look after my girl properly don't you."

I nodded in agreement. I'd never hurt her. She was my best friend. At that moment Josh and Maddy came in. Upon seeing Brandon and Izzy he suddenly bowed down in a exaggerated way and called them Mr and Mrs Fisher in his most sarcastic voice. None of the adults were impressed. The silence was deafening until we heard the sound of Maddy trying to hold in a giggle.

"Maddy sweetheart don't laugh. It's not funny" Ronnie had a calm look on her face but I couldn't say the same for my parents and Kai who were looking at Josh with utter fury.

Brandon tried to diffuse the situation.

"Hey Munchkin. No need to call me that outside school. What was it you called me again? Brando? That's fine to call me that at home."

"Hey don't call me Munchkin. I ain't five years old. I don't go around calling Izzy, Mrs Hippo. Well at least not to her face."

"JOSHUA WILLIAM ROBERTSON! How dare you be so rude. Apologise to everybody here right now then go to your room. I'll deal with you in a minute."

The smirk on Josh's face disappeared. Mum didn't get angry often but when she did you knew you were in trouble. He looked at Dad trying to get some sympathy but he looked furious. I looked at Kai. He had the same look as Dad.

"I'm so sorry for being rude!" He then looked at me. "I'm so sorry I'm not perfect like Jacob! I'm so sorry I'm not your perfect son!"

He then stormed off and up the stairs leaving me feeling bewildered. He thought I was perfect. That's crazy. He was the perfect one. I looked at Maddy who seemed embarrassed by the whole scenario. She took my hand and squeezed it. I felt an electric tingle run through her hand into my body. I'd never had that feelings like this before. I didn't understand it but I knew things had changed between us.

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