Chapter Six

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Dinner that night was a bit of a drag. Peyton's silly friends kept making eyes at Josh and I much to Peyton's disgust. I had a feeling this would be the last time they would be invited over. Whilst I was embarrassed and tried to avoid eye contact, Josh was loving it. He always liked being the centre of attention. He kept flexing his muscles and talking about his surfing. They loved it. Mum and Dad were a bit distracted. They talked in hush tones that none of us kids could hear. Calista and Hunter were a bit cranky so yup another typical family dinner.

The next day I was glad to see Maddy waiting out the front of my house as usual. She was cool towards Josh, probably cause of the trouble he had caused but it didn't seem to faze him. Peyton was yapping at his heels accusing him of stealing her friends away from her. He just continued whistling his happy tune and ignoring her. This meant Maddy and I had time to talk alone.

"Are you ready for the first meeting of photography club today? Uncle Brandon told me we can just meet up at the classroom after school."

I actually felt excited at the prospect. I was still hesitant to show around my pictures but I was keen to learn more as well as view other people's efforts. It felt exciting to think I might be good at something after all.

The school day passed very quickly and soon enough I was entering the classroom for the photography club. There were a bunch of kids I didn't know from different year levels so I quickly took a spare seat. Maddy wasn't there yet but I was sure she'd be there soon. One of the older guys came up to me.

"Aren't you the guy that kissed Madison Fisher on the cheek in the lunch hall?"

He appeared to be smirking. I answered in the positive. I had nothing to hide. He was about to say something else sarcastic when Maddy came in and sat down next to me. He kind of gave us a funny look before walking away. I guess I had to get used to it. The attention I mean. It seems after that incident everybody wanted to be closer with Maddy.

"Ok let's open the first official meeting of the photography club. For those of you who have been here before let's look at your portfolios. For those just joining us don't worry. You'll have plenty of time to start building your collection."

Everybody started pulling out their albums. Maddy and I were the only newbies so we sat there quietly. Maddy touched my arm causing me to jolt.

"Jacob. Bring out your portfolio. It's just as good as everybody else's."

When I hesitated, she reached over and grabbed my bag and pulled out my portfolio. She quickly opened it up before I had chance to protest. I half expected everybody to laugh like they did in the lunch hall but instead they were admiring my pictures. I just looked at Brandon and smiled. I really felt happy.

After that day in photography club everything seemed to be going ok. Maddy and I were thick as thieves again and the gossip about the kiss in the lunch hall seemed to be dying down. The weekend approached quickly and I found myself getting ready for my outing with Maddy. It wasn't a date. It was just two friends going out. Nothing wrong with that. I kept telling myself that to squash the butterflies in my stomach. I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear Josh creep up behind me. It wasn't until it was too late did I realise that Josh had sprayed me with a heavy dose of cologne. As soon as the scent hit my body I knew what had happened but he ran away laughing before I could do anything.

"Jacob. Are you ready? I need to leave now."

Mum was dropping me off on the way to do some errands. I grabbed a tissue and tried to wipe the scent off. I didn't have time to do anything else. I quickly hurried downstairs and into the car.

"Um Jacob. I know you like Maddy and all but there is something to be said about being subtle. I know you are growing up and everything but next time you need to ease up on the cologne."

I didn't say anything. I didn't want to say that Josh had pranked me again. I wasn't a crybaby that ran to Mum every time he did something. I just stared straight ahead and hoped the scent would die down.

Maddy was waiting for me at the box office. I bought the tickets. She bought the drinks and popcorn. It was a fair exchange. She had chosen a romantic movie. It wouldn't have been my first choice but I was open to the idea. We quickly found our seats and started watching.

I was surprised that I actually liked the movie. I know Maddy did cause she had this look of pure happiness on her face. Watching her laugh and smile made me happy.

We both reached for the popcorn at the same time. Our hands touched and I the moment I quickly withdrew it away. Maddy however found my hand and held it. It felt so natural. We didn't eat anymore popcorn for the rest of the movie. We just held hands.

The movie ended and she let go and brushed herself off. Maybe she got carried away with the romantic feeling of the movie. In the light of day I seemed unsure.

We still had some time before Kai was scheduled to pick us up so we headed down the Main Street and towards to beach. It was secluded being a cool day so we sat down and stared into the ocean. We knew this beach. We both did. Our Dad's had often taken us here for surfing. Maddy was quite accomplished not surprising considering her Mum was a champion surfer but I barely managed to stay upright on the board. We just sat in silence, not daring to look at each other.

"Jacob. There's something I need to tell you."

I turned to face her giving her my full attention.

"The thing is I've been thinking this for a while but I didn't know how to say it."

I nodded and encouraged her to continue.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is this..."

In one swift movement she tilted her face towards mine and kissed me squarely on the lips.

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