Chapter Four

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After Josh ran upstairs the conversation didn't get any better.

"Well sorry Zac but there's no way I'm letting Maddy go out with him now. I just can't trust him. Jacob can take her instead. Seriously your boy has some attitude on him."

"Kai I agree. I don't know what's wrong with him. Britt and I aren't like that. I have no idea where he gets all this attitude from."

Dad looked resigned. Pop kind of sat there silently before finally declaring.

"Fraid that he might get that from me. My Mum described me as a terror when I was younger."

Everybody looked at Pop and laughed. He was the picture of discipline and propriety. His job was to keep law and order. Nobody could imagine him ever being a terror.

Izzy got up and out of her chair. There was no doubt that she looked so big but I'd never call her Mrs Hippo even in secret. I did have a secret crush on her but that was when I was a kid. I'd never admit that to anybody now.

"Don't be so hard on him. He's always been a bit cheeky. I guess he's just trying to have his voice heard in a crowd. Maddy, Jacob. Do you want to feel the babies kick."

Izzy came over and placed our hands on her belly. At first I felt nothing. Suddenly I felt something move. Maddy and I got excited and our hands touched. I felt that spark again. Surely Izzy did too. I quickly removed my hand and turned away so Maddy couldn't see me blush.

Maddy turned to me shyly. "So what movie do you want to see."

"I'm not sure. You pick." I had no idea what was going on. Usually we couldn't stop talking. Now we were acting like we hardly knew each other. I guess it didn't help that all eyes were on us right now.

"Yup." Kai sighed in approval. "Jacob's the right choice to take Maddy out."

After dessert was over and everybody had gone home, I headed up and got ready for bed. Mum had given Josh a scolding earlier in the night and he didn't come downstairs again, not even to say goodbye. Mum and Dad were busy getting the younger ones settled in bed so I crept past quietly hoping that Josh would be asleep.

"Why are you sneaking about?"

I saw Josh in his pyjamas standing at the entrance of his room.

"Just didn't want to wake anybody up."

He stood there defiantly, arms crossed in front of him.

"Mum told me about how you managed to convince Kai to let you take Madison out. That was my date. You had no right to crash it."

"Hey wait a minute. Maddy's my friend. I can go out with her if I like. I don't need your permission."

I could hear my voice rising. Josh rose his louder to prove his point.

"I don't care. I'm going to..."

"Now what exactly is going on here. I have had enough of fighting tonight. Jacob. It's late. Go to your room. Josh. You're grounded which means you've lost your privileges. Don't keep pushing me or I'll extend the time frame." Dad had appeared out of nowhere and he looked fed up. Josh quickly ran back into his room and slammed the door but not before giving me a foul look. I knew he was up to something but what. Only time would tell.

The next day at school things seemed to have returned to normal. Maddy and I finally had the chance to catch up properly although we had Peyton on our heels asking questions about her holiday. Maddy didn't seem to mind it though. I love Peyton with all my heart and it made me glad to see Maddy get along with her so well. Josh had left the house early. He quickly bolted down his breakfast and took off. I knew he was up to something I just didn't know what. At lunch time I walked up to our usual table and sat down next to Maddy. She was staring intently at a letter. One that she quickly folded when I arrived.

"Hey Maddy. Sorry Madison. What have you got there? Something interesting?"

She blushed slightly and pushed it under a book. She looked at me with a confused face.

"It's nothing. Just a letter I found in my locker."

I didn't want to push her further. I just opened my lunch bag and started eating.

"Looking forward to hanging out this weekend?  We can watch the movie then go to the beach like we said we would."

"Sure sounds like a plan."

She seemed distracted. I did notice Josh and a few of his mates sitting at a table opposite us. They were staring and laughing generally in our direction. I glared at him. Whatever he was doing it was making her uncomfortable. I got up to go and tell him off but Maddy grabbed my arm.

"Jacob. Where are you going? Don't worry about them. They're just being stupid. Tell me more about the photos who took over the summer. I'd love to see them."

Maddy was the only one I could trust. I didn't even tell my parents or Pop. Brandon had given me one of his old cameras and taught me how to use it over the Summer. He was he only one besides Maddy who knew. These pictures meant a great deal to me and I knew I couldn't handle the rejection if people found out. They weren't as good as Brandon's but I was still learning. I had honed my skills over the Summer and was looking forward to going to the beach with Maddy so I could practice some more. I pulled out my portfolio and starting showing Maddy my photos.

"Jacob. These are gorgeous. You should join the photography club. You know they run that competition each year. You should enter for sure."

"Nah. I'm just learning. Your Uncle Brandon has been fantastic, teaching me stuff. Encouraging me. I'm not very good though. I'm just a beginner."

"Well I think they're gorgeous. You should have more confidence in yourself. How about I join the club too. Will that make you join?"

I looked at Maddy. This is why she's my best friend. She knows how to make me feel good about myself. Before I knew it I kissed her quickly on the cheek. After I did it we both kind of looked around embarrassed. I didn't know what came over me or why we were so awkward around each other. In the past we would have laughed it off but now we both sat there not looking at each other.

"OMG! My brother Jacob goes in for a kiss and he ends up just kissing her on the cheek!"

It seemed like the whole dining hall went silent. They were all watching. Listening. Then the laughing started. At first it was a tickle, then somebody snorted. Suddenly the whole room was erupting in laughter, all led by my brother Josh who laughed the loudest of the lot. Maddy looked at me. Her face red as stop sign. She got up, grabbed her books and ran away. I chased after her but she was too fast. I stood there panting in the hallway. Josh came up to me and put his arm around me.

"Way to go bro. You sure know how to charm the girls."

I shrugged him off and walked away. I made a promise. I said I'd never hurt her but somehow it looks like I did just that.

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