Ripped apart.

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Natsu's PoV
Within this past month that I've been dating Lucy, it has been one of the best months in my life and that's saying something, seeing as I've been alive for 17 years. I've realised that she makes me better and my family have noticed the change as well I've been in no fights, haven't gotten angry over small things and I've just been having lots of fun.
I've never felt this way with anyone and I'm glad because it just means that I get to experience this whole thing first hand with Lucy.
There I stand, by the entrance to the school waiting for my favourite person in the world to show up. While waiting I thought back to how we met and what I would have done if I didn't reach her in time. I wouldn't be this brand new person. I'll still be that guy who gets in random fights for no reason. I cringed at the thought.
Pulling me out of my dreadful day dreams )or I think day nightmare is more suitable for that statement.) was a small soft hand grabbing mine and prying me off of the wall. Looking up, I smiled as I took in the amazing sight in front of me. Lucy giggling which made her eyes glow with joy.
It was now summer and Lucy was starting to become the girl she should have always been. She is wearing more Revealing clothes. Not as in crop tops and booty shorts but  more short sleeves and clothes that hug her curves more. Like today for instance: she is wearing a plain white, short sleeve t-shirt with knee length dungarees and had her hair in two pigtails. All she needs now is one of those giant rainbow lollipops and she will look like a little kid. But she is pure adorable enough said.
I walked with her to form but our first 3 classes we didn't have together so we went our separate ways till break.
While away from Lucy lisanna is constantly pestering me but I ignore her. That was until she started to bring Lucy into this. She had her gang of boy toys surrounding her.
"She's such a slag don't you think." The boys agreed. "She's most likely going at it behind his back."
And because I'm petty and childish. I leapt from my chair and looked at her dead in the eyes and began mimicking her.
"Ooh I'm lisanna and I only get off is I'm surrounded by a bunch of guys because one guy can't give me relief. Also I hate Lucy the bottom of my bitter heart. And I love seeing her cry. I don't give two shits about her or anyone around me." After my childish rant all those pricks were smirking. And out of nowhere lisanna grabbed my face and yanked me into a kiss. I trying pulling away but her long nails were digging into the skin behind my ears. All I heard was books dropping to the floor and shoes hitting the floor like someone was running. I new exactly who it was it was Lucy. Shit she must have walked in when I was mimicking lisanna. I'm a idiot. I tried to go after her but two of the henchmen grabbed my arms and held me back. In a moment of rage caused by someone causing me to hurt Lucy, I lost all control over my anger and all i saw was red. I moved my elbows back with such force that when they collided with the boy toys solar plexus they crippled over in pain. I turned around and forced there two heads together. I punched them rapidly unable to stop. They made me hurt Lucy. A teacher came in and yelled at me to stop and I quickly sprinted out into the hallway in the direction I hoped she went in. My knuckles bruised and bleeding but I didn't care all I cared about at this point in time was finding Lucy.
In the corner of my eye I saw the golden pigtails flying side to side as she runs for what I guess is the girls bathroom.
"LUCY!" I yell and she turns her head to see who said it. I could see her eyes were full of sorrow and she was crying hard but once she realised it was me, she kept running probably even faster.
I yelled for her begging her to stop however as I was about to catch her up a teacher stood in my way looking very upset. I knew the reason why. I hung my head in shame for two reasons. 1. I got in yet another fight and 2. I let Lucy get away while really upset.
I know it is never a good idea to let her be upset on her own and it's my fault for her crying on in the first place and it's my fault I got in the fight that now she has to be upset alone and that I don't get to explain.
I'm most likely to get expelled and lisanna is Fiona target Lucy again. God I'm an idiot.
"Natsu. My office, NOW!"
The head was sat across from me with a vain popping from his forehead.
"I got a message from your teacher saying that you was beating up two boys in your class?"
"I did. And I'm not even going to say my side of the story because I know you have witnesses which to them make the others seem like victims. So go ahead expel me."
"No I'm not going to expel you but I will suspend you for a week. And please enlighten me on what your side of the story was."
"Lisanna was talking crap about my girlfriend saying how she was cheating on me and obviously I didn't believe her. But I walked over to her and started mimicking her by saying things that she would say because I didn't want to get violent and that's my way of getting out my anger. I said things about Lucy that lisanna would say and I believe Lucy walked in on that part and didn't understand why I was saying things like that about her. Then lisanna forces me into a kiss and I could get away because she was digging her nails into my head. That's when i realised Lucy was there and tried going after her. But the two guys held me so I wouldn't be able to that's when I beat them up because I need to make sure Lucy would do anything bad but as I was about to catch her you stopped me."
"Hm ok. Well you still are suspended because you beat up two students but it will be for 2 days." He spoke sympatheticly while writing something down. "Go get your things your mother will be here soon. Quickly I got up from my chair, ran to my class to get my bag then to the girls bathroom which I barged right into.
"Luce?" I whispered as I checked every stall. All of them were empty. She must have left them while I was in the heads office. I screwed up big time now. I called her and texted her and left voicemails as I walked back to the office but nothing she was really upset.
I walked into the office, where my mum sat, with tears in my eyes threatening to fall.

By the looks of things the head has already told my mum what happened and my side of the story.

"Mum, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to get mad. But they hurt Lucy and this wasn't the first time. But this time they had me hurt her. I screwed up Mum." I sobbed and the tears was falling now and I couldn't stop it.
"Hey Natsu it's okay I understand. But what do you mean by wasn't the first time they hurt Lucy?" My Mum asked and that also got the head interested.
"Before I got here. They had been bullying Lucy for I don't even know how long. And Mum you remember the day before I started here I brought Lucy home?"
"Yes I do remember" well she answered confused.

"That night on the way how from anger management I took the long way home which takes you across a bridge. Well Lucy was on that bridge but on the wrong side of the rails about to jump." I was now crying uncontrollably now.
"I-I barely made it in time to grab her and pull her over. If I hadn't decided to take the life way home or I was walking just a bit slower she wouldn't be here. Then- then when I was off sick lisanna took advantage of this and bullied her again."
My mum was crying.
"Why would anyone do this to a girl as sweet and kind as Lucy? Do her parents know?"

I shook my head 'No'

"These are serious accusations Natsu are you sure about this?"

"I would never lie about this stuff." I almost yelled.

The next chapter will be the last chapter. I was hoping this story would last longer but I believe that this is how I wanted it to end so stay tuned for the last chapter.

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