Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The TARDIS landed on an empty and abandoned street. The Doctor poked his head out.

"That's strange. It's usually crowded." He muttered. Rose Tyler, his companion, poked her head out as well.

"Do you think we landed in the wrong place or wrong time?" He shook his head.

"No. I made sure that we landed in the right time and place." Chatter was heard from another street. They ran to the source of the sound.

"Ah! It seems we did land in the wrong place! I guess the TARDIS didn't want to be found or sold." They linked hands and squeezed through the crowd. They hopped from merchant to merchant, browsing or buying the things they were selling and tried new and strange foods. There was one vendor selling all kinds of potions, but the Doctor dragged Rose away, mumbling under his breath about how they were ripoffs and a scam to get more money.

When the sun was just about to set, the Doctor and Rose stumbled into the TARDIS, their arms weak from holding shopping bags and stomachs filled with alien food.

"Ugh. I don't think we'll be able to eat dinner tonight." Rose groaned. She walked down the stairs and towards her bedroom.

"Turning in early?" The Doctor followed her.

"Yeah." She closed her door in his face.

"Ow! Wait! I have something to show you first!" He rubbed his nose in pain. She opened it again.

"What is it?" He took her hand and led her out of the TARDIS. The clear night sky was filled with twinkling stars and "shooting stars". Rose had a big smile on her face and "Oh my gosh! That's beautiful. You don't see that many back at home!" Rose beamed.

"Come on. I have one more thing to show you." He pushed her back into the TARDIS and led her to a door, decorated with very girly designs. Rose tried not to laugh.

"What's in here and why is this decorated all girly?" She kept a straight face.

"Just close your eyes. No peeking!" He teased. She shut her eyes and tapped her foot. The Doctor opened the door and pulled her into the room. She heard water running and smelled various sweet scents.

He whispered in her ear, "Now open your eyes." She opened them and gasped. It was a magnificent garden filled with exotic and familiar plants. A big fountain was in the middle of a garden and a bench was next to it.

The Doctor offered his arm to her and they strolled through the garden. "This garden has everything! From apple trees to poppies to roses, but not pears! You know I hate pears. They're vile and taste like rubbish." He shuddered. She giggled at his hatred of pears. "Good thing there are banana trees here! Now we have an unlimited supply of bananas!" She leaned into his arm as he rambled on about the garden. When their feet were tired from walking around the garden, he dropped her off at her room again.

"Thank you Doctor for showing me the garden." She hugged him. "Actually. Thank you for everything. I'm glad that I met you." She mumbled into his chest.

He returned the hug. "You're welcome, Rose." He kissed her forehead and wished her good night. She closed the door softly and went to bed.

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