Chapter 1

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Jack's eyes slowly opened to reveal his new destination. Trees surrounded him, dried leaves crunching under foot. The air that entered his lung indicated to him that it had rained lightly a few hours prior. After he had taken in his surroundings, he turned to his father and two unconscious men.

"Where have you taken us, Jack?" Castiel questioned in confusion, kneeling down to check on his two friends.

"...An alternate universe that inhabits a species of werewolf unknown in our universe. It does contact plenty of humans though. The town we're in is Beacon Hills, in California." Jack explained, his fingers lingering over the rough flesh of a large tree stump. "This tree- it's a beacon for the supernatural. How fascinating."

"Will Dean and Sam be alright, Jack?"

"They will wake soon. This universe will hide us until we're ready to go back home. Angels and God don't exist here after all. The belief is there though."

"What will happen to us then?"

"You will lose your powers. I'm sorry. I won't though, as I am the tether between universes."

"I see..." Castiel groused. "What shall we do from here?"

"...Fit in." Jack smiled at his father, placing his hands on Sam and Dean, Castiel following suit to touch his shoulder as he flashed them into a house. Castiel staggered, surprised at the fact he had in the first place. His eyes went to land on Dean and Sam who were in gone.


"Don't worry, father. Dean and Sam are in their new beds until they wake up. This house is ours." Jack smiled brightly. "I made it." Castiel looked around. It looked similar to the bunker with furniture and walls paints a deep rouge with a white cieling.

"It's very nice, Jack." Castiel encouraged. He looked at his son and watched at a few emotions flickered over his face.


A boy in a red hoodie grinned at him, coming close to hug him. Jacks arm slipped around the boy like he'd done so millions of times before. The sound around his was buzzing, yet muted as the boy in red whispered in his ear.

"Jack, you're my friend, of course I'll go with you."


"I know. I think the boy in red will like it." Jack beamed.

"Boy in red?" Castiel furrowed his brows. Jack smiled, staying silent. He wanted the boy's face kept to himself until he met him. This boy would be very close to him, he knew that.


The Winchesters took the news with a bit of hesitance, but agreed to act normal as possible. Jack also convinced Castiel to sign him up for Beacon Hills High School as a new student. Castiel agreed to as long as Jack stopped staring out his window at the neighbours.

Jack had pouted a bit. He enjoyed watching the boy in red next door. He had a beat up blue jeep and a werewolf friend who liked to visit. His father was Sheriff of the town too. The boy interested him and he wanted to meet him already. He knew that he wouldn't until his first day though, so he waited patiently.


Dean, driving a ute that he grumbled about, dropped Jack off at school on his first day.

"Jack, aren't you twenty? How are you gonna pull off being a student?" Dean questioned. Jack rose a brow and tilted his head. "Never mind. You'll pull it off." Dean huffed a laugh. "No powers, mister, remember that." He warned and Jack nodded.

"I don't need my powers today." Jack grinned and hopped out of the car. Any moment now he'd meet the boy. He had seen them hanging around each other, not how they met, but he knew it would be soon. He could feel it. Jack made his way towards the front doors, practically skipping up the steps as he got to the door. He'd watched a few high school movies. He hoped he would be able to handle it.

Taking his first step into the hallway, he grinned excitedly, before something smacked into his face. It was sticky and slick, reminding him of whip cream and apple pie Dean loves. Coincidentally, that exactly what it was. He stared at it after it slid off his face, mushed and still in its aluminium plan, at his feet.

"Oh man...I'm so sorry, that was meant for someone else-" Jack slowly looked up at the attacker, and he must of looked menacing since the other took a step back. It was the boy. Jack was sure his eyes were shining gold with happiness as he swiped his finger along his cheek and tasted the creamed apple pie residue. He hummed in delight, the sweet and fluffy taste exciting his tastebuds.

"I applaud the bakers talent. I'm Jack." The boy looked perplexed at his words, stumbling over his own words.

"Uh, S-stiles- my names Stiles." Stiles. Jack instantly loved the name. It wasn't a normal name like his, but he liked it nonetheless.

"Will you accept my offer of friendship, Stiles? I am new to this school. I hope we can be friends without a girl getting between us."

"Huh? Uh, no, no girls..." Stiles looked around at the crowd they had made. Jack tilted his head.

"Are they staring because of the mess on my face?" He asked Stiles in confusion.

"More like because I smashed you in the face with a pie and, where most would be angry, you instead asked me to be your friend." He said matter of factly.

"Will you be? My friend?"

"...Sure." Stiles laughed, running a hand over his cropped hair. Jack smiled at the laughter. He quite liked the sound of it, making his insides flutter with a foreign feeling. "Come on, man, let's get you cleaned up." Jack had to hunch slightly when Stiles wrapped his arm over his shoulders and led him away from the scene towards the bathroom. Jack lowered his eyelids as he pressed into Stiles' thoughts to see what he was thinking.

'This guys a complete nut job. Not that I'm against that, I mean, I'm have freaking werewolves, hunters and humans as friends and one of them is a revived psychotic uncle. He's cute in a childish way I guess, so that's one point for this Jack kid.'

Jack puffed his chest a bit in victory at the thought process, backing out of Stiles' thoughts as they reached the boys bathroom sink. Stiles pulled his bag off his shoulders to open it up to pull out a handkerchief. Jack gave a toothy grin when Stiles handed it to him.

The friendship was already becoming what Jack hoped for.


I Left My Heart In Beacon Hills [A SuperWolf AU] [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now