Chapter 3

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A/N: KaraJeanneTaylor! Thanks to your commentary, I was finally able to pull myself out of my creative stump for this, so thanks! I love feedback and comments I can laugh at, so keep at it and I'll try my hardest to make this story worth your time! 💟 Tiny.

"La...crosse?" Jack repeated slowly, unfamiliar with the term.

"Yeah! It's a sport we play here in Beacon. Stiles, Jackson, Danny, me, we're all on the team here." Scott already had his attention once he said Stiles.

"Is Stiles good at lacrosse?"

"He's decent. We're usually bench boys, but I uh, changed that not long ago." Scott gave a meek grin. "So, what do you say? Wanna come to the lacrosse tryouts? You look like you'd be good at it with some training."

Jack nodded excitedly, chest filling with joy at being included. Dean would love if he joined a sport team! Like a real high school experience, as he said.

"Definitely. I would really like that." Jack leant in closer, making Scott tilt his head further from him awkwardly. "If I win the game, does that mean I get the girl in the end? Because I don't think I'm ready for that. I've never kissed anyone and I don't know who the girl will be, so I feel displaying since intimacy would be awkward on both sides." He whispered rather loudly, true concern on his face.

"Wh...what?" Scott furrowed his brows. "No, Jack, no girl unless you end up dating one I guess?" Scott shrugged, muscles relaxing when Jack stepped away from his personal space.

"Okay. A relief that the movies won't come true." Jack sighed in relief.

"Why would-"

"Stiles! I got the Economics assignment for you." Jack beamed, cutting Scott off as he greeted the other boy with adoration. "You really shouldn't sleep in, you'll break your internal clock...Whatever that means." Jack murmured the last bit, still trying to wrap his mind around the expression Sam gave to Dean.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Stiles yawned. "What'd I miss?"

"Jacks trying out for lacrosse." Scott smiled, patting the Nephilim's shoulder.

"Yeah, and Scott said I don't have to kiss the girl if I win the game. I prefer brunettes to blondes anyway."

"...I'm gonna ignore the craziness that just came from your mouth, because I still haven't had any coffee today." Stiles took the assignment. "Congrats on the plans to try out though." The bell rung loudly, making Scott and Jack wince. Jack still wasn't used to the whistle.

"Well, that's our cue. Let's go." Scott chuckled at his best friends exaggerated yawn, leaning against Jack's shoulder with his in his laziness. Before Scott could quip at him to stand on his own like a big boy, he noticed Jacks wide, tightly suppressed smile and pink cheeks. Scott blinked at the two, eyes flittering between them before he let out a soft 'oooooh'.

The newbie liked Stiles, and Stiles was an oblivious idiot. Perfect mix, Scott thought as he rolled his eyes.


After Scott explained the rules, Jack felt he'd be alright in the tryouts. The exercises were easy, he was on par with Scott and Jackson so far. He was really happy when it came to a half game. Stiles was on the bench since he was dubbed 'bench boy' right after the exercises, but he seemed fine to chill there.

Jack thought back to the film Dean had showed him a while back, something about a guy wooing a girl on the sporting field...Actually, he was sure he'd seen a few films with the same concept in it. Maybe Jack could be the one to woo Stiles with his skills!

"But he's not a girl...Would it still be the same?" He said out loud to himself, playing with his stick as he stood in position. He'd barely realised the game had already started until he heard Jackson yell his name. "Huh?" He caught the ball on reflex before it hit his face, pausing.

"Pass it!" Scott shouted, gaining his attention as he spun to flung the ball out of his net to Scott. The werewolf caught it and kept running. He scored and Stiles cheered with a laugh; his victorious, short lived one. Jack felt a small, suffocating emotion over his chest at the reaction. Dissatisfaction? Displeasure? Jealousy. Yep, he was jealous. He shouldn't be, but he was, that much he realised.

Jack nibbled his bottom lip, focusing his attention on the game. It was probably selfish, but he wanted to be cheered for. Praised. He liked being praised for his efforts, and this was no different. Jack felt power surge through his, contained within the armour of the padding and helmet, itching his skin as he focused solely on the half game.

He didn't even realise his eyes flashed a golden hue, but someone else had.


Jack sat down heavily on the bench besides Stiles, looking at his expectantly as he pulled his helmet off, sweat slicking his fringe against his forehead.

He expect a pat on the back, a word of praise, a cheer, but all he got was a smile. A smile that was amused and content, honey brown eyes burning with inner laughter.

"Why are you smiling?" He liked Stiles' smile, but this one confused him.

"Because it's funny how hard you try. You're a natural, yet you still try and go up and beyond." Stiles' laughter broke past his lips, running a hand down his face as he tried to calm his chuckles.

Jacks whole body flooded with warmth, much nicer than the one sports gave him, butterflies fluttering up from his stomach to his throat. He tried to respond, he really did, but he was afraid the butterflies would spill out and fly away in front of Stiles.

Instead, he ignored the heat of his pink cheeks and the flutters of wings, wrapping his padding arms around Stiles tightly.

"Woah woah! Falling, falling, Jack!" Stiles warned, clutching Jack's back from where he had reclined back on the bench at the force of the embrace, feet barely touching the floor.

"Sorry, your words just make me really happy." Jack grinned with his words, settling the teen back up but not letting him out of the hug.

"Uh...You gonna let me go anytime soon?" Stiles rose a brow.

"You don't like hugs?"

"No, not that, just...You kinda smell." Stiles snorted, eyes on Scott who was giving him a 'we need to talk look'. "Why don't you go to the locker room and get your things. You said you're getting picked up, right?"

"Yeah, Sam's picking me up." Jack smiled at the thought, letting Stiles go, already missing the feeling. "I'll see you in a bit." He left with that.


"What's wrong?" Stiles asked Scott who looked around.

"Jack's eyes glow, Stiles." Scott whispered urgently.

"Oh yes, I know, so dreamy, like fairy lights." Stiles quipped sarcastically.

"I'm not joking, Stiles! I think he's a werewolf." Scott groaned. "We should be careful around him."

"Scott, I trust you and all, but without seeing it myself, I don't think I could ever picture Jack as a werewolf. He's...he's way too innocent, and-and nice. It's almost endearing how nice he is. He could make Derek a sap." Stiles shuddered like it was a crime.

"Wow." Scott rose both brows, surprised by the statement. "That's almost creepy." Scott shook his head, shaking away the thought. "Either way, be careful around him, just in case I wasn't imagining it."

"Alright, alright...I'll be careful around Jack."


"Hey, Jack." Sam greeted as Jack hopped into the passenger seat, giving Stiles and Scott a wave. "Who are they?" He asked curiously as he drove away from the school.

Jack smiled, wider than Sam had ever seen.

"They're my best friends, Scott and Stiles."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2018 ⏰

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