Chapter 2

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A/N: Thanks so much for the feedback NORA-777 and carrilloar! I really appreciate it. After reading your comments, I jumped right back to writing the second chapter for you guys, you lucky ducks 😄 Enjoy lovelies! P.S. I probably spelt the enzyme for pineapples wrong, so sorry XD.

After Jacks arrival to Beacon Hills High, not many had really been brave enough to approach him. He figured it was because of the incident with the pie that made the girls go pink with what he figured was confusion, and guys look at him with the same inquiry. He wouldn't dare break into their mind, he didn't trust their thoughts not to make him doubt himself.

Of the few that had spoken to him, one was Stiles best friend, Scott McCall (a werewolf he knew instantly) and his girlfriend, Allison Argent. He found it strange that a hunter and werewolf were dating, but didn't voice it. Sam had done it once from what Dean had told him. There was also Lydia Martin who had practically cornered him against his locker on his second day. She was pretty, with strawberry blonde hair and green eyes, but he could only get her name before he saw Stiles and slipped away from her to say good morning.

Jackson seemed to have a mutual rivalry with Scott and Stiles, but his best friend Danny was kinda friends with the boys, while Allison was friends with Lydia, who was dating Jackson, who didn't like her boyfriend Scott. Jack was confused by the strange group of friendship, but accepted it.

He heard Scott speak of an Isaac a few times, but had never met the boy. After prodding a bit for an image, he found one in Scott's mind of a boy with curly blond locks and bright blue eyes. He had the sweetest smile in Scott's mind. The boy did ask why Jack was grinning at him, but Jack simply said he thought he'd like Isaac.

On Friday, Jack sat in his chemistry class with his new friends, though they were spread out a bit. Jack sat in the middle row, next to Danny as he rested his jaw on his palm. His eyes roamed the class of people, his teacher already boring him to a humanly death with his monotone speech.

His eyes lingered on Stiles who had fallen asleep, hoodie half over his head and drool slipping out the corner of his mouth, one arm across to the edge of his table and the other fallen as his side with a pencil dangling from the loose grip, fingers twitching every so often. Jack let out a soft sigh of happiness at the sight. Stiles even looked cute when he was sleeping.

Stiles brow twitched in his sleep, shifting his head the slightest bit to squish the side of his nose against his notebook and Jack bit his lip as not to grin. He crossed his arms, sliding them forward to rest his head on and watch Stiles as his eyelashes fidgeted against his cheek, his bags barely noticeable when his face was so relaxed.

Jacks chest swelled with warmth like it usually did when he saw Stiles. It always threatened to burst inside him when they talked. He didn't let it though, he didn't want the butterflies (from what the Internet had told him) to escape his stomach, however they got there in the first place.

"Mr Novak!" Jack barely acknowledged the teacher in favour of watching Stiles grumble a soft 'fucking Harris' before snoring again so quietly that only he and possibly Scott would be able to hear it. "Jack Novak!" Jack made a non-committable sound, sitting up.

"Yes, Harris?" He smiled, looking at the combed prick. He should feel bad for thinking that, but didn't really care.

"Mr Harris to you, Novak. Stilinski, wake up!" He snapped at the sleeping boy, making Jack scowl when Stiles jolted up with a noise of surprise. "Detention after school, Stilinski. Now, Novak, tell me, what enzyme is in pineapple? If you were paying attention, you should know." Harris smirked in a way that made Jack's stomach stir with irritation.

"Well, that would be..." He looked into the teachers eyes and delved into his brain, searching for the answer. He felt a cocky grin spread along his lips as he answered. "Bromelian." Harris blanched slightly before piercing his lips.

"Detention after school for attitude."

"What?! That's not fair!" Stiles objections. "He answered your stupid question, why are you giving him detention?"

"Because I can." Harris smiled mockingly. "Detention after school you two. Don't be late." Harris said sternly and went back to teaching. Jack pouted. What would he tell his dad, getting detention on his first week?


During detention, since they couldn't talk, Jack mostly just watched Stiles watch the clock. He traced the slope of his nose, the slight jut of a pout on his pink lips, the way his honey brown eyes glazed over with boredom. The moment Harris left to talk to another teacher Jack didn't recognise, Stiles turned to him, meeting his eyes.

"Hey." Jack smiled.

"Hey...Jack, why do you keep staring? Danny said you kept staring at me during chemistry like a puppy." Stiles laughed softly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Because I like your expressions." Jack replied bluntly, fingers itching to straighten the rumpled hoodie. It was hiding away the small mole on the back of Stiles' neck that staggered off to the right of his nape.

Stiles' lips floundered, opening before almost closing and doing so half a dozen times as he looked at Jack in bewilderment. Then he laughed. He laughed and he laughed, and Jack thought it was the most amazing sound he'd ever heard, the laughter infectious as he found himself chuckling along with him.

"You're such a weirdo, man." Stiles rubbed the back of his neck once more, nails leaving a light pink scratch across the mole. Jack reached out, making Stiles stiffen as he adjusted the hoodie away from his neck so it hung between the boys shoulder blades, smoothing his hand over the faded blue in a sort of reverence. It was a nice colour on Stiles, the clothing worn from age, but he saw how well he must have taken care of it over the years, likely growing into it.

"It's my moms." Jack's eyes jumped to Stiles' in light surprise at the sudden soft words.

"It's...nice. You look good in blue." Jack slipped his hand away, back to the desk. "You don't speak much of your mother, do you?" Jack said, noticing the way Stiles shifted anxiously.

"I don't know why I even said that." Stiles sighed softly, before smiling tightly. "My mom passed on when I was young." He quenched Jack's curiosity, scratching his head awkwardly. "I don't like to talk about it much."

"I can imagine. My mom died in childbirth. I didn't get to meet her personally, but I know she was kind, that she believed I would be good. Dad believes that too." Jack grinned as he though of his mother.

"Doesn't ever parent think their kids gonna be perfect?" Stiles joked.

"...No. My f-...A lot of people thought I wouldn't turn out a good person." Jack's grin slipped as he fidgeted with his fingers. A quirk he couldn't get rid of.

"Jack, you're one of the sweetest people I know, and that's sappy even for me." Stiles' shoulders shook with mirth. "I don't see how you could be a bad person in anyway."

"Would being the antichrist be a good reason?" Jack asked offhandedly. Stiles only laughed.

"Oh, that's a good one, Jack. If you're the antichrist, I'm satan himself."

"I don't think you could ever be Satan. I would know." Jack smiled, resting his chin on his folded arms. "You're too humane." Stiles chuckled and looked at him with amusement, as if to appease him with silent agreement. A soft silence grew between the two as Jack watched him. Jack slowly rose his hand, placing his middle finger against the mole on his nape. Stiles jolted slightly in surprise, raising a brow at Jack when he didn't remove his finger.

"I like your expressions a lot." Jack finalised and waited out his detention with contentment. Luckily, when he got home he only received a small scolding from Castiel (it was mostly Sam though since Sam was giving points to Castiel for most of the lecture) and an early bed, despite not needing much sleep. Instead he spent his early bed time doing homework and wondering what Stiles would wear on Monday.

He couldn't wait to see Stiles again. He already missed his boy in vivid reds.


I Left My Heart In Beacon Hills [A SuperWolf AU] [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now