Pale Blue Eyes

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This is a work in progress if you see mistakes please let me know about them I'm not a grammar nazi so i wouldnt notice thank you very much.



I am Senjue Migen, a E class clairvoyant working for the Government Psionic inc. or G.P.I. for short, The G.P.I. is a branch of government and law enforcement empowered to investigate,test, and catalog all Psionic or paranormal humans and crimes. I am a member of the Investigative and testing unit. This is how one after noon my life became very complicated. I had just said goodbye to the other staff members of the G.P.I. that I work with. walking home as it was not to far away and I love to walk, even if the walk was not in the park it could always be enjoyable. I have always been careful to keep my power of clairvoyants from going off when I was out in public, it helped to wear polyurethane gloves as the plastic does not retain or transmit energy. It also helped if you didn't bump into someone else or stay away from areas with strong emotions. This always made finding a place to live a bit hard for me but who am I to complain? I was just about to turn the corner of the local herbs & magic items shop that had just opened a few days ago when there was this uncontrollable urge to look to my Right where two women talked in front of the doors to the shop and I caught the corner of the younger ones attention, her eyes froze me half turned .


I stared into the deepest pale blue eyes I have ever gazed at, seeing but not seeing anything else it was creepy. so far away they do look into me as If seeing the darkest depth of the soul and not wavering but willing it to being. I was flayed open to them unflinching at the pain of that gaze as it held me still. I was unable to look away even if I wanted to. Seeing the depth of them so deep that I became lost in the dark pit of the shadows in the eye that looked at me. It swallowed me up & kept me captive by the pulsing shadows within them, I felt it closing in around me. it was a living swirling pool of darkness, passing around and over me blocking out the light as it started to descend over my body like a crashing wave of water. yet feeling the shadow as it vibrated across my skin did not frighten me, Me being a clairvoyant for the G.P.I. made sure I had seen some scarier things than this mass of shadows. It felt like it was a living thing as solid as you or me & even if I could not feel it I knew it was.

Thick snaking arms crashed into my body breaking my train of thought. Like a solid punch to my gut. I felt it pursing through my body till it found what it was looking for my soul. A very painful yet pleasant caressing started and parts of my body that I know can't be touched by human hands were being gripped like playthings to a child. With the aching that was in my chest arching through my being. I try to call out for help but my voice was lost. I knew this was going to be a bad day. The burning became more intense in my lower back, The shadows creped around and over the skin of my body like a lustful tongue tickling at me, what was I a meal? i questioned myself as it progressed over me like a coiling snake. Terror gripped hold of my body freezing me in place as I tried to denied the shadow that was not real but real all at the same time. The living shadow sliding over skin brushing every hair sending shivers through my like a lovers touch. It was taunting me trying to make me relax so it would have a much easter meal I thought. My body responded like anyone else would in the after glow of love, It made me feel thrilling & tiring all at the same time. My eyes growing tired unfocused the shadow move leaving me . The warm loving touch drawing away nothing mattered more than the touch of that shadow & i wanted more of it .what i got was a cold empty feeling, The shadow seem to touch me all over from inside slowly lingering touches not wanting to leave, The warmth it had touched was cherished like a lost lover. It fought to stay but it didn't I felt it leave me cold and empty inside where it had been.

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