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(Just thought I should mention that the above title sounds so cool.)

Okay. So if you've randomly come across this book, or wether it was recommended, or someone shared it to you, I'll like to thank you. Because you could be reading millions of other books, but you chose to read this one. So all I can say is sincerely thanks. Because it means a lot to me.

Now. To begin with, let me just start off by telling you guys that this is not my first draft of this book. I had already started another one, with the same story. Eleven chapters were ready up, and it had hit 1.5k reads. You might wonder why I deleted it, and started this one instead.

Well, let me just get started with the fact that the first draft was just horrible! Childish, and immature, and just cringey. So I re made a new one. The first draft was in first person ooint of view, but this one is now in 3rd person point of view.

For those who have already read part of the first draft, please tell me which one you prefer. If this one is better, or the original version. I'll keep the original version for the sake of memories, but it will be unpublished. But if ever it was better, I'll upload that one instead. Or if you want a private version to compare, I could send it to you.

I think I should also talk about how this book is mine and stuff that I've seen on so many other books....i don't even know the point of it, but I guess I'll have to give what you need then. So...ahem ahem.

This story is my property, and it was inspired by one of my favourite books: The halflings series.

But it was all my imagination, and creation. Some events could be similar to real events that occurred, but that's probably a coincidence, or things that happened around me that I decided to add a nice twist to make this story up.

No copy, duplication, translation, printing, sharing, editing of my work  without my direct permission is a violation of Copyrights, which can be punished by law.

So if you steal my work, you're just lacking of imagination. Any arrangements could be directly made with me if you need anything from it. And if this book appears any where other than Wattpad or on my profile, please let me know.

So overall, just be creative instead of taking my work.

Anyways...enjoy the story.

Ps. This story should have a cast, but I think it's better to use your imagination. So I took the cast off, and instead used a vivid description. If you want to know what the original cast was, you can dm me.

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