Chapter 3- Visions

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"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"I'm not forcing you to. It's not because it's your birthday, that means we have to do this."

"No...i-i want to."

Brooke seemed so sure on the outside, but was panicking inside. Oh mom is going to be so pissed.

"Why?" Kevin asked, holding her chin up.

"What?" Brooke said, gulping down. She couldn't believe she was going to go through this with him.

"You said your mom would be so pissed."

"Oh don't worry about that. Just go ahead and put it in. Let's just get this over with." She said in a rush.

"No, you should take your time okay. Enjoy every second of it. This is your first. Don't waste the moment." He whispered, and put it in, as I squealed.

"This does feel good." I laughed, and moved forward in line.

"Tickets please." The guard said, and Kevin took the ticket out of the de-magnetising machine that made sure the tickets were real, and handed them to the guard, who let them into the large hall.

"This isn't how I expected my first concert to be." Brooke admitted. "Don't take offense, but I always expected it to be with Justin. I mean, music is one of his passions Right?"

"The unexpected is always the best." He simply stated, as they moved forward to whoch ever seat they were being escorted to.

"I didn't have to lie to my mom though. I mean, sneaking off to a concert with my boyfriend. Heck I'm not even that big of a fan of The Vamps as she is. Something about reliving her youth." Brooke stated, slightly rolling her eyes.

"You know, if Justin was so intent on buying you concert tickets, why did it have to be this cheesy boy band? I mean aren't nine and twelve year olds drooling over their posters in their room? You're eighteen." Her boyfriend's comment made Brooke chuckle in amusement, as they slowly advanced.

The concert hall was packed, as well as stuffy, despite the air conditioners every five metres. They still had quite a long distance to walk to get to the fifth row, and conversation seemed to be the only way to make it seem faster.

"Wait. So you don't remember? I was having one of my phases again, this one was a boy band craze. We were fourteen, and I found out about The Vamps around then. Jesus! I went crazy. I would ramble about them all the darn time." A light, that hadn't emerged out of her eyes in a while shone at its brightest. Something. A memory, a feeling, was working it's way through her mind, lightening up her features, warming her heart at that moment.

Kevin noticed. He watched her intently with his gray eyes, not sure if he should smile or not. She's happy. Therefore, he couldn't decipher the reason why his stomach felt heavy.

"It rings a bell I think. You even wished to meet them on your birthday, if I recall."

"Exactly! When I turned fourteen, and the craze had just started, everything revolved around them. Like you said, I wished to meet them. Oh my goodness!" The blonde laughed, as her past played in her mind in a series of images. With a shaking head, her broad smile widened. "You were a realist from day one Kev! You told me that the chances of it happening were next to zero, because of their busy schedule and all that. Remember what Justin said?"

He couldn't share her happiness. Her hazel eyes looked up at his tall frame, urging him to remember. He was a realist from day one. He couldnt give her hope, but the cold reality. It shouldn't have bothered him so much, but it did. "He said, I'll make your wish come true. I think. It's not very clear."

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