Authors note :))

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This is just a little note telling you who plays who and like usernames and meaning.
Also this is set after they've finished Hogwarts :)


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Draco Malfoy: Lucky blue Smith 
Username :  Slytherinprince03

Draco Malfoy: Lucky blue Smith  Username :  Slytherinprince03

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Hermione Granger : Madison Beer
Username : HGrangerxo

Ginny Weasley : Miguelle Sara LandryUsername : yagirlginny

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Ginny Weasley : Miguelle Sara Landry
Username : yagirlginny

Ginny Weasley : Miguelle Sara LandryUsername : yagirlginny

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Harry Potter : Blake Steven
Username : scarboy07

Pansy Parkinson : Scarlette Byrne Username : it's pansybitch

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Pansy Parkinson : Scarlette Byrne
Username : it's pansybitch

Pansy Parkinson : Scarlette Byrne Username : it's pansybitch

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Ron Weasley : Rupert Grint
Username : 1/3goldentrio

Ron Weasley : Rupert Grint Username : 1/3goldentrio

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Theodore Nott : Cody Christian
Username : T.Nott

Luna lovegood : Scarlette Rose LeithoidUsername : Luna

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Luna lovegood : Scarlette Rose Leithoid
Username : Luna.Lovegoodx

Blaise Zabini : Reece King Username : KingZabini

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Blaise Zabini : Reece King
Username : KingZabini

Neville Longbottom : froy (can't remember his second name 😳)Username : NevilleL

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Neville Longbottom : froy (can't remember his second name 😳)
Username : NevilleL

Some will appear more often in the story but all of them will be in it at one part :)))

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Some will appear more often in the story but all of them will be in it at one part :)))

So that's that the now I'm going to try and get chapters up more often so you definitely see one this week , thanks Georgia X

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