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THURSDAY 4th OCTOBER, 19935:23 PM — Jackson St & Kasprak home 

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5:23 PM — Jackson St & Kasprak home 

"RICHIE STOP BIKING UP MY ASS!" Eddie threw his head back to scream at the raven haired boy, who biked dangerously close to the rear of Eddie's, their wheels precariously nudging each other's every so often. Naturally, Richie disregarded this comment.

Blue tainted Eddie's lips he as pulled a menacing frown at his best friend who had begun to bike in line with him, raven hair lashing wildly against the force of the wind, revealing his sharp cut cheekbones.

Richie grinned widely at Eddie, raising both hands off of the bars of his bike momentarily to make a love heart with his hands.

Holding a blueberry slushie that Richie brought him at the arcade in his left hand, Eddie controlled his bike with the other. He took a large slurp before he responded to Richie by sticking his vividly bubblegum blue tongue at him. "You're an ass," he said in between taking more sips.

"Correction — I have a nice ass," Richie drifted his bike down the next right harshly, pulling up into Eddie's street. The pair slowed down as Eddie's two story house came into view.

His feet begun to pedal lethargically, finally changing from the rate they'd been racing home. "Can you finish this?" Eddie asked Richie, sticking out the blueberry slushie cup, "mommy will kill me if she found out I had preservatives."

Richie shrugged before taking the cup, "as if the blue lips and tongue aren't a big enough give away," he winked then enclosed his lips around the straw.

"Shit," Eddie cursed, realising he didn't quite think his plan through, and wiped his lips furiously with his free hand in an attempt to get the colouring to fade.

They pulled up into Eddie's driveway, his mom's car parked there, and the lights shining brightly from inside. Richie leant forward on his seat to place both feet on the ground for stability, while Eddie settled his to the side against the fence.

Eddie rubbed his lips harshly with the back of his palm, to no avail, in getting colour off.

"C'mere," Richie motioned with two fingers to summon Eddie. He stuck two fingers in his mouth which wasn't as contaminated with the blue colouring as Eddie's.

"No — no!" Eddie squirmed but Richie had already clasped his jaw with one hand, and smudged the blue around his lips away. "Richie! That is so unsanitary, oh god, I think I'm gonna puke."

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