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THURSDAY 4th OCTOBER, 19937:47 PM — Tozier Home

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7:47 PM — Tozier Home

    AUTUMN BEGUN RIGHT IN FRONT OF RICHIE'S WINDOW. He watched as the once emerald leaves on his neighbour's tree turned a golden, crispy colour, and then crumbled to the ground. In the night sky, they looked like little stars falling to earth, and Richie made a wish on each one. It was fascinating, at least until his view was blocked by a large, white moving van.

    "Oh, for fucks sakes." Richie wildly cursed, pulling his body away from his window to unclasp the hook. He opened it and shoved his head out, dark hair blending in with the night sky, and pale skin blending with the house's white walls. "Who the fucking hell is that?"

    Two bodies shuffled out of the van, not caring about how much noise they made, unlike the midnight cat slinking along the fence. One figure was much smaller than the other, and Richie could make out little feminine features through shadows; long hair, curved hips, delicate limbs.

    The other was built much more sternly, Richie could tell, and paced with commanding authority. Richie could hear his baritone voice instructing the girl to unlock the house.

    She stepped under the porch light, and Richie was nearly blown away. He let out a shocked gasp, blinking multiple times as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing, as if his eyes had deceived him.

    Richie knew Eddie didn't have any siblings, but by god, she truly could be. She had that glinting shade of copper brown hair, with curls identical to the ones that decorated Eddie's, and her eyes shon the same dark brown as Eddie's. Fuck, she was even small and lithe like his Eddie.

    Almost as if she could sense someone watching her, the mystery girl cocked her head up to Richie's bedroom window. She raised her eyebrow conspicuously at him, but shrugged it off as she opened the door to let her father in.

    Richie could feel the red seeping into his neck, reprimanding himself multiple times. "Stupid, stupid, Richie." He hastily brought his head back into the comfort of his own room, standing flush against the wall, praying the girl wouldn't look again.

    There was a kerfuffle outside for the next few minutes that Richie could hear, before that baritone voice expressed loudly. "Screw it, we'll finish this in the morning."

    Richie nearly crumbled at what came next. "Okay daddy," the Eddie imposter replied sweetly. He couldn't believe it, her own fucking voice was just like Eddie's.

    It was a furious scramble for Richie as he dashed towards his telephone that rested atop his beside table. Plain white, with a thick, curly cord that ran outside Richie's bedroom. Sure, he couldn't quite close his door properly, not that his parents ever came up. But, it allowed him to dial Eddie whenever he wanted to, and right now, he wanted to.

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