The Akatsuki

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After the little fight with Itachi, they had grabbed some of Kanako's stuff, then set off. After about an hour, they arrived at the base. Kisame opened the seal, and led Kanako inside, with Itachi trailing behind.

When she entered the base, it was much different than she expected. It was nicely furnished, with a cute little kitchen, and hallways leading to what was probably where their rooms were, and maybe some training grounds.

Kanako looked at all the Akatsuki members standing before her, and tried to find a certain explosion obsessed blonde teen.

When her eyes landed on him, all her anger diffused, and her eyes started to leak. She ignored the looks from the other Akasuki, and ran forwards.

She crashed into him, and kept him in a crushing death hug that wasn't going to end any time soon.

"Deidara nii-san..." Kanako whispered, as her tears were rolling down her face.

"Kana?!" Exclaimed Deidara, surprised, "Kana I'm so sorry..."

"I know nii-san..." Said Kanako, wiping her eyes dry.

Deidara looked up and saw all the Akasuki staring at them awkwardly.

"Oh, um..." Started Deidara, "This is my little sister...Kanako." Kanako looked up and smiled, while the Akasuki stared at them in disbelief.

"No way! You had a little sister and you didn't tell us about her before?!" Squealed a woman's voice. Kanako looked up at her, to see a beautiful woman, with blue hair looking at her happily, "She's so cute! Hello there Kanako, my name is Konan!" Said the bluenette, smiling down at Kanako.

"Hi there Konan!" Replied Kanako, "It's very nice to meet you, un!"

"Aww! She even has your way of speech, Deidara!" Konan said to Deidara.

"Alright." Said a man with orange hair and lots of piercings, "It's best we introduce you to everyone, since you'll be staying here with us now."

"Alright!" Said Kanako, now holding on to Deidara's arm.

"I am Pein." Said the man with piercings, "And this is, Hidan, Kakazu, Sasori, Tobi and Zetsu." He said, gesturing to each person in turn. Everyone seened to be weird in some sort of way.

Hidan had slicked back silver hair, no shirt on, a very large scythe, and this weird grin on his face.

Kakazu had a mask on, covering most of his face, and there was this weird aura radiating off him that Kanako didn't like.

Sasori seemed normal enough, except for the fact that he seemed too perfect. He had perfect hair, perfect skin, he almost looked like a doll.

Tobi was, interesting...He wore am orange mask with swirls on it, so it kinda looked like a lollipop. He was like a man-child, 'cause Kanako could hear him humming and whispering to himself, "Tobi is a good boy."

And last but not least was Zetsu. Zetsu was like a plant man. One half of his body was white and the other was black. He had some sort of plant surrounding his head and shoulders, and he was only half above the ground.

"And you have already met Kisame, Itachi, Konan, and, of course, Deidara." Said Pein.

"It's very nice to meet all of you!" Said Kanako happily, "You all are certainly very interesting characters!"

'I think the're stupid.'

'I think you're stupid. Now be quiet.'


"Now, Konan can show you to your room. It will be right near yours, because we assumed that you would want to stay near another girl." Explained Pein.

"Of course! Thank you!" Replied Kanako, smiling. Than she followed Konan down one of the halls to her room.

"Your little sister sure is cute, Deidara-Senpai!" Exclaimed Tobi, jumping all over the place.

Deidara didn't say anything, he just stayed silent.

"Deidara? Why aren't you saying anything?! Usually you'll yell at me for being annoying, and tell me to shut up. Is something wrong, Deidara-Senpai?"

"It's none of your concern..." Deidara said softly.

"What was that, Deidara? I couldn't hear you!" Said Tobi, leaning in close, which was a very bad idea.

"I SAID IT'S NONE OF YOUR CONCERN, TOBI!!!" Roared Deidara, sending Tobi anime flying through the air, only to hit the wall.

Deidara than stormed off, leaving everyone to stare after him, wondering what was wrong, but too scared to ask.


•715 words in total, not counting this part, 766 words in total, counting this part.
•Took about one and a half hours to complete.
•Span of one day: 1:00 p.m. - 2:27 p.m.
•Finished at 2:30 p.m. (Including this part.)
•Published after editing at 2:35. (Skipped a bunch)

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